فندق أسكوك (Askoc Hotel)
يتلقى العقار تصنيف النجوم بناءً على مقاييس الراحة والمرافق ووسائل الرفاهية التي تتوقعها.
استمتع بتميز غير مسبوق أثناء إقامتك هنا بفضل وجود واي فاي مجاني في جميع الغرف. الموقع المتميز في قلب سيركجي يضعك بالقرب من المزارات السياحية الهامة. لا تنهي رحلتك قبل زيارة ايا صوفيا الأكثر شهرة. حصول هذا العقار المميز على 4 ليس من فراغ، لأنه يوفر للنزلاء إقامة مميز بفضل وجود مساج، مركز رياضي وسبا.
مكتب استقبال 24 ساعة
تنقلات المطار
خدمة صف السيارات
خدمة انتقالات
مسبح داخلي
واي فاي مجاني في جميع الغرف
تسجيل وصول/مغادرة سريع
لا انصح به ابداً”
موظفي الاستقبال غير محترفين ابداً
Dear Guest, First of all, thank you very much for taking your valuable time and sharing your comment and giving us the right to respond.You know very well as we do that this rating and comment is not about us and is due to only the negativity you experienced. There was no problem with your reservation and accommodation for September 20-21, The problem was your reservation that you made with another supplier for September 21-22, which was not confirmed, and this issue had nothing to do with us. But we still did our best to help, even though you made us work so hard and took our time. I don't know what professionalism means to you, but we did our best for you according to what it means to us, and we couldn't have done more for a channel we don't even have access to. Since it is necessary to compare apples to apples for a fair review and rating, your review unfortunately does not reflect the service and facility you actually received and therefore has no validity.
أسوء فندق في اسطنبول - سيركجي”
- الغرف صغيرة جداً - لايوجد مكان للامتعة - الاثاث قديم ومستعمل ومتهالك - الحمام صغير جداً ، مقاس اطفال - الاضاءة صفراء - الافطار غير منوع والكمية قليلة - موظف الاستقبال وقح - مرتبه سرير قديمة وغير صحية و تسبب الحكة هذا دليل على عدم نظافة الغرفة ومراتب السرير - اثناء الافطار الصباحية بمطعم الفندق ياتي شخص يقول اكل بسرعه وقم لكي احد يجلس بطاولتك -الفندق ليس لديه الا مفتاح واحد للغرفة لايوجد مفاتيح اضافية -لا انصح بتجربة هذا الفندق السيء جداً بنظافة والمعاملة ————————————————————————— - The rooms are very small - There is no place for luggage - The furniture is old, used and worn out - The bathroom is very small, children's size - The lighting is yellow - The breakfast is not varied and the quantity is small - The receptionist is rude - The bed mattress is old, unhealthy and causes itching. This is evidence of the uncleanliness of the room and the mattresses - During breakfast in the hotel restaurant, a person comes and says eat quickly and get up so that someone can sit at your table - The hotel only has one key for the room. There are no additional keys - I do not recommend trying this hotel, which is very bad in terms of cleanliness and treatment ————————————————————————— - Odalar çok küçük - Bavullar için yer yok - Mobilyalar eski, kullanılmış ve yıpranmış - Banyo çok küçük, çocuk boyutunda - Aydınlatma sarı - Kahvaltı çeşitli değil ve miktarı az - Resepsiyonist kaba - Yatak şiltesi eski, sağlıksız ve kaşıntıya neden oluyor. Bu odanın ve şiltelerin temizliğinin kanıtı - Otel restoranında kahvaltı sırasında bir kişi gelip çabuk ye ve kalk ki masana biri otursun diyor - Otelin oda için sadece bir anahtarı var. Ek anahtar yok - Temizlik ve muamele açısından çok kötü olan bu oteli denemenizi tavsiye etmiyorum
الفندق جيد كنظافة ولكن يعيبه موقعه لا يمكن وصول التاكسي بسرعه وراحت علينا الطائرة بسبب كذا لكونه مقابل محطة القطار لكن يوجد اسواق ومحلات بجانبك يعتبر جيد جدا لكن تعامل الموظف اركان سي لابعد درجة مدري هم يكرهو العرب لاني ما مددت الغرفه وكلمته يقول تطلع بعد عشر دقايق ودخلت قودا وحجزت ووريته الحجز وتلون وجهه وفوق هذا نقلنا غرفه ثانيه 😂😂 كذا نكادة لن اعيد السكن بسبب الموظف وتعامله الجاف
Dear Guest, First of all thank you once again for your kind choosing us for your Istanbul trip. We are truly saddened to learn that you were not satisfied with your experience with us. I wish you had contacted us during your stay for any issues you were not happy with. So we could make an effort for your happiness. However, when I look at your records, you booked a room with a sea view directly with us for the first night and made a reservation for the next day via Agoda by choosing a standard room without a view. Since you are the one who selected and paid for both room categories, you must have already accepted that they cannot be the same room. Our receptionist only informed you about the room change. You know that missing your flight has nothing to do with location, right? You requested a taxi to leave the hotel at your flight departure time, so you didn't even have a chance of making it to the plane :)) Best Regards, Askoc Hotel Management
استفدت منه”
جيد جدا
Dear Guest, First of all, thank you very much for choosing us during your visit to Istanbul. We are very glad that you were pleased with your experience with us. With the justified pride that we will continue to offer much better experiences with your support, We hope to see you again as soon as possible to experience unforgettable moments in this beautiful city. Best Regards, Askoc Hotel Management
فندق ممتاز”
ناسبني موقعه والغرفة المطلة والفطور جميل وتعامل الموظفين ممتاز ولبق واستقبالهم والقيمة المالية مقابل الخدمات،ان شاءالله سوف نعود مرة أخرى
Dear Guest, First of all, thank you very much for choosing us during your visit to Istanbul. We are very glad that you were pleased with your experience with us. With the justified pride that we will continue to offer much better experiences with your support, We hope to see you again as soon as possible to experience unforgettable moments in this beautiful city. Best Regards, Askoc Hotel Management