فندق أوريو (Hotel Oreo)
يتلقى العقار تصنيف النجوم بناءً على مقاييس الراحة والمرافق ووسائل الرفاهية التي تتوقعها.
استمتع بتميز غير مسبوق أثناء إقامتك هنا بفضل وجود انتظار سيارات مجاني. يقع العقار في دنباسار مما يضعك بالقرب من معالم بالي السياحية والمطاعم الشهيرة هناك. لا تنهي رحلتك قبل زيارة محمية غابة القرود المقدسة الأكثر شهرة.
موقف سيارات
منطقة مخصصة للتدخين
Not Clean”
Room not clean, smelled, and toilet dirty.
Room is not clean. Can not speak English. No towels, no bed sheet. No western toilet and no hot water. Far away from the airport. 17 kilometers. It costed me a lot money for the round trip from the airport. No place to eat close by. This is the worst place I stayed so far.
Absolutely terrible place - do not go there!!!”
When my friend and I arrived there, we were shocked. We have travelled around south east Asia for 3 months on a low budget, but we have never seen anything like this. There were rats running around, the staff didn't speak English, the rooms and everything else were disgusting, so after seeing the rooms we agreed to leave immediately although we had already paid.
ok pelayanan. sesuai dana yg tdk terlalu banyak, hotelnya pun ok bgt. rekomendasikan.
keren...bagus. cukup buat yg dana pas pas san liburan ke bali.”
ok. cukuplah buat yg bajet pas. liburan ke bali ke hotel oreo ja.