منتجع أوشن بارك (Ocean Park Resort)
يتلقى العقار تصنيف النجوم بناءً على مقاييس الراحة والمرافق ووسائل الرفاهية التي تتوقعها.
استمتع بتميز غير مسبوق أثناء إقامتك هنا بفضل وجود انتظار سيارات مجاني. يقع العقار في محافظه تيفو مما يضعك بالقرب من معالم محافظه تيفو السياحية والمطاعم الشهيرة هناك. حصول هذا العقار المميز على 4 ليس من فراغ، لأنه يوفر للنزلاء إقامة مميز بفضل وجود مطعم ومسبح داخلي.
تنقلات المطار
موقف سيارات
خدمة انتقالات
مكتب استقبال 24 ساعة
تخزين الأمتعة
مسبح داخلي
خدمة غسيل الملابس
Useless ”
Omg useless. Please don’t go
Poorest experience in Sri Lanka”
We understand that this is one of 2 hotels with ok room in Mullaitivu. However this is no excuse for the poor experience we had. 1- Receptionist lacking basic customer service skills and lacking knowledge on booking systems. 2- due to lack of understanding of booking we were originally booked wrong room. Had to negotiate to get decent standard room (booking price was $50/night!) 3- finally got acceptable standard room but cleanliness of the room was very poor. Ants in bed, no hot water and basic furnishing like hairdryer... 4- WiFi not working anywhere on site. 5- breakfast timing was way off - it was served 1hr later than it should have been. This is quite disappointing as this is a hotel with facilities with potential for a 4 star hotel, but it is ruined by the overall attention to detail and staff attitude.
It’s okay ”
Staff good but for one night good place to Stay