فندق بيرل أوف ذا باسيفيك (Pearl Of The Pacific Hotel)
يتلقى العقار تصنيف النجوم بناءً على مقاييس الراحة والمرافق ووسائل الرفاهية التي تتوقعها.
يقع العقار في المحطة 1 مما يضعك بالقرب من معالم بوراكاي السياحية والمطاعم الشهيرة هناك. لا تنهي رحلتك قبل زيارة إريلز بوينت والجلوس على رمال شاطئ وايت أيضًا. حصول هذا العقار المميز على 3 ليس من فراغ، لأنه يوفر للنزلاء إقامة مميز بفضل وجود مسبح خارجي، مساج وسبا.
تنقلات المطار
مكتب استقبال 24 ساعة
تسجيل وصول/مغادرة سريع
تخزين الأمتعة
مسبح خارجي
مواجهة للشاطئ
اقل من جيد”
فوق المتوسط”
This needs to be renovated
فوق المتوسط”
This hotel needs major renovation!
Hotel has an excellent location, and big space for rooms, but needs renovation. Not well-maintained
If only I could give 0 star!!!”
I think it was also my mistake that I did not read the reviews and based my judgement in the picture gallery. The hotel was in really bad condition, looks abandoned, the building itself looks old, big cracks from the walls, ceilings from hallway at beach front were full of holes, the emergency lights and the fire extinguishers were covered with rust and seems not working, the hotel looks like a haunted house, even the rooms were dark, the lights were not enough, the aircons leaks, the room smells mold, the bathroom seems dirty as the shower area, only an electrical tape holds the hose and shower head in place! This thing looks horrible like it’s going to collapse and at night this is the only spot or rather in the row of hotels that is dark! They don’t bother to turn on the lights outside so you could recognize it. I wonder how do they get permits to operate. If only I could post some pictures here showing how it looks today, Please don’t bother to check in here, everything is not wort