مشاهدة جميع الصور

فندق صن واي جورج تاون (Sunway Hotel Georgetown)

النجوم: 4 من أصل 5
33, New Lane (off Macalister Road), جورجتاون, بينانغ, ماليزيا, 10400 - اكتشف الموقع

يعد فندق Sunway Hotel Georgetown قاعدة مثالية للمسافرين في بينانغ. غرف مصممة بذوق مع إطلالات آسرة على المباني الاستعمارية في جورج تاون والمشهد الفني النابض بالحياة في الشوارع. تشمل وسائل الراحة تكييف الهواء وخدمة الواي فاي ومسبح ذو موقع ملائم. استمتع بالحوافز مثل فندق مجهز بالكامل ميني بار وقسائم هدايا مناطق الجذب القريبة: Prangin Mall، Chews Jetty، وStreet Art في جورج تاون. استرخِ في المقهى المريح أو انطلق في جولات سياحية منظمة لاكتشاف عجائب بينانج. يتم توفير مرافق مريحة مثل صندوق ودائع آمن وآلة بيع يدوية وإطلالات خلابة على المدينة من غرف مختارة. يضيف مبنى KOMTAR القريب جاذبية، مما يجعله خيارًا رائعًا لمشاهدة المعالم السياحية والتسوق. يوفر فندق Sunway Hotel Georgetown موقعًا متميزًا ووسائل راحة من الدرجة الأولى، مما يجعله مثاليًا للمسافرين الذين يتطلعون إلى تحقيق أقصى استفادة من رحلتهم إلى بينانغ. احجز إقامتك اليوم واخلق ذكريات دائمة. [قد تكون بعض المحتويات مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي. قد يكون هناك بعض الأخطاء.]


بروتوكول نظافة مُحسّن

يقع في قلب بينانغ

تسجيل وصول على مدار 24 ساعة

تنقلات المطار

إفطار رائع


مكتب استقبال 24 ساعة

تنقلات المطار

تأجير دراجات هوائية

موقف سيارات

مركز لياقة بدنية

مسبح خارجي

خدمة انتقالات

واي فاي مجاني في جميع الغرف

سينفد قريبًا- اقتنص الفرصة الآن

حجزه اليوم 14 من المسافرين

بناءً على 22,229 من التقييمات الموّثقة







الجودة مقابل السعر




جودة الغرفة


اكتشف الموقع


درجة تقييم الموقع

موقع ممتاز - يبعد ١١٠ متر عن مركز المدينة
حي مشهور
مكان استثنائي للتجول
مزيد من التفاصيل حول المشي
موقف السيارات
الأماكن القريبة
My Crystal Museum
40 متر
Penang Nagarathar Sivan Temple
90 متر
Penang Times Square
120 متر
Church of Our Lady Sorrows
130 متر
جمعية فيلوماتك (مركز صن يات سين التذكاري)
220 متر
معالم مشهورة
شارع أرمينيان
1.2 كم
كو كونجزى
1.3 كم
تشيونغ فات تسي - القصر الأزرق
1.3 كم
تشوز جيتي
1.6 كم
بينانج بيراناكان مانسيون
1.8 كم
أقرب المعالم السياحية
M Mall
290 متر
290 متر
George Town
340 متر
Hin Bus Depot
350 متر
The Swagger Salon
350 متر
الجودة مقابل السعر8.2
المسافة إلى مركز المدينة1. Km
تصنيف الموقع8.8
أقرب المطاراتButterworth RMAF Airport (BWH)
المسافة إلى المطار9.2 كم

غرف متاحة في Sunway Hotel Georgetown

جيد جدًا
راحة الغرفة وجودتها


Premier King
  • Room size: 30 m²/323 ft²
  • City view
  • 1 king bed
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Deluxe King
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • City view
  • 1 double bed
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Deluxe Twin
  • Room size: 30 m²/323 ft²
  • City view
  • 2 single beds
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Premier Twin
  • Room size: 30 m²/323 ft²
  • City view
  • 2 single beds
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Family Room
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • City view
  • 1 single bed and 1 double b...
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Deluxe Super King
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • 1 double bed
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Deluxe Super King
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • 1 double bed
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Club Room
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • Non-smoking
  • 1 double bed or 2 single be...
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
  • Room size: 56 m²/603 ft²
  • Non-smoking
  • 1 king bed
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار
Club Double Room
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • Non-smoking
  • 1 double bed
أدخل التواريخ لمشاهدة الأسعار

Frequently asked questions

ما هي مواعيد تسجيل الوصول والمغادرة في Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

تسجيل الوصول من 03:00 PM. وتسجيل المغادرة حتى 12:00 PM يمكنك طلب تسجيل وصول مبكر أو تسجيل وصول متأخر خلال الحجز، ويخضع ذلك للتوافر. إذا سجّل النزلاء الوصول أو المغادرة بعد الفترات المخصصة، قد يفرض عليهم رسم إضافي. يوفر فندق خدمة تخزين الأمتعة قبل تسجيل الوصول وبعد تسجيل المغادرة. يعمل مكتب الاستقبال على مدار الساعة.

كيف أصل إلى Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

يسهل الوصول إلى فندق صن واي جورج تاون من المطار. يمكنك حجز مواصلات المطار مسبقًا مقابل رسم إضافي 116 MYR لتكن رحلتك سلسة. عليك استخدام قسم "قل لنا ماذا تحتاج" في صفحة الحجز كي ترسل إلى فندق رغبتك في حجز انتقالات، وسيتواصلون معك عبر مركز رسائل أجودا. ستقيم بالقرب من الأحياء السكنية المحيطة بـ فندق صن واي جورج تاون، وستتمكن من استخدام حافلة الانتقالات التي يرتبها مكان الإقامة في فندق. للنزلاء الذين لديهم سيارات، يوجد موقف سيارات متاح في فندق صن واي جورج تاون، إضافةً إلى موقف سيارات إضافي بالقرب من العقار إذا اكتمل عدد الآخر. تتوفر مواقف للسيارات مقابل تكلفة إضافية. صف السيارات الذاتي متاح في فندق. إذا أردت التجول بخصوصية عند إقامتك في بينانغ، يمكن لـفندق ترتيب مواصلات خاصة كالتاكسي أو استئجار سيارة.

هل يتم تقديم الإفطار في Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

استيقظ على وجبة إفطار بوفيه رائعة في فندق صن واي جورج تاون.

ما هي خياراتي في الطعام في Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

لدى فندق صن واي جورج تاون مطعم في الموقع لخدمتك.

هل يمكن استضافة الفعاليات الخاصة في Sunway Hotel Georgetown ؟

يمكنك اختيار مكان داخلي لاجتماعك الخاص. يمكن استضافة الفعاليات والتجمعات الكبيرة مثل فعاليات خاصة و حفلات الزفاف في فندق صن واي جورج تاون. الفعاليات الصغيرة أو الخاصة مثلحفلات أعياد الميلاد و شهر العسل يمكن أيضًا استضافتها. سيتم تقديم خدمات المعدات السمعية والبصرية و إنترنت لاسلكي لمساعدتك في إدارة حدثك بسهولة.

هل يمكن استضافة الفعاليات التجارية في Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

يعتبر فندق صن واي جورج تاون الاختيار المناسب إذا أردت أماكن لإقامة مناسبات مثل مؤتمرات, اجتماعات, ندوات و أحداث تجارية. يمكن أن يستوعب فندق ما يصل إلى 200 شخص. تتوفر مجموعة واسعة من المرافق والخدمات بما في ذلك المعدات السمعية والبصرية, اللوازم المكتبية للاجتماعات, جهاز عرض أو شاشة LED و واي فاي مجاني لمساعدة اجتماع عملك أو حدثك التجاري.

ما هي سياسة التدخين في Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

لا يسمح فندق صن واي جورج تاون بالتدخين في أي غرفة ولكنه يسمح بالتدخين في الأماكن المخصصة.

ما هي أقرب محطات القطار أو المترو أو الحافلات لـ Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

أقرب محطات القطار أو المترو أو الحافلات لـ فندق صن واي جورج تاون هي Komtar Bus Terminal، على بُعد 540 متر.

ما هي المطاعم القريبة من Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

تكثر المطاعم الشهيرة مثل Teksen Restaurant، PINWHEEL RESTO CAFE وHalab Penang في منطقة فندق صن واي جورج تاون التي تحتضن جورجتاون.

ما هي أماكن التسوق المشهورة القريبة من Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

تتعدد خيارات التسوق بالقرب من فندق صن واي جورج تاون في حي جورجتاون ومنها برانجين مول، مول فرست أفينيو وPenang Times Square.

ما هي أشهر أماكن الجذب السياحي القريبة من Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

يتمتع نزلاء فندق صن واي جورج تاون بسهولة الوصول إلى بينانج بيراناكان مانسيون، تشيونغ فات تسي - القصر الأزرق وكو كونجزى في منطقة جورجتاون.

ما هي أشهر المزارات الطبيعية القريبة من Sunway Hotel Georgetown؟

يتمتع فندق صن واي جورج تاون بوقوعه داخل منطقة جورجتاون مما يجعلك قريبًا من المزارات الطبيعية مثل Depoh Kerajaan Pulau Pinang وBukit Olivia.

اكتشف Sunway Hotel Georgetown

اكتشف Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Experience Luxury and Convenience at Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Located in the heart of Penang, Malaysia, Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers a luxurious and convenient stay for both business and leisure travelers. With its prime location and impeccable service, this 4-star hotel guarantees a memorable experience. Built in 1994 and last renovated in 2013, Sunway Hotel Georgetown boasts a modern and stylish design that combines contemporary elements with traditional Malaysian charm. The hotel features 250 well-appointed rooms, each tastefully decorated and equipped with all the amenities needed for a comfortable stay. From spacious beds to modern bathrooms and high-speed internet access, every detail has been carefully considered to ensure utmost comfort and satisfaction. Check-in time at Sunway Hotel Georgetown is from 03:00 PM, allowing guests to arrive and settle in at their own pace. The friendly and professional staff are always ready to assist with any requests or inquiries, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free check-in process. Guests can also take advantage of the hotel's convenient check-out time, which is until 12:00 PM, giving them ample time to prepare for their departure. One of the standout features of Sunway Hotel Georgetown is its child-friendly policy. The hotel welcomes children between the ages of 2 to 11 to stay free of charge, making it an ideal choice for families traveling with young ones. The hotel's spacious rooms and variety of amenities cater to the needs of both adults and children, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay for the whole family. In addition to its excellent facilities and child-friendly policy, Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers easy access to the city's attractions and amenities. Situated just 1 kilometer away from the city center, guests can explore popular tourist spots, indulge in local cuisine, and experience the vibrant culture of Penang with great convenience. The hotel is also located 45 minutes away from the airport, making it a convenient choice for travelers arriving or departing from Penang. Experience the perfect blend of luxury, convenience, and warm Malaysian hospitality at Sunway Hotel Georgetown. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, this 4-star hotel provides everything you need for a memorable and comfortable stay in Penang.

Unwind and Relax in Sunway Hotel Georgetown's Entertainment Facilities

At Sunway Hotel Georgetown, we understand the importance of relaxation and entertainment during your stay. That's why we offer a range of fantastic entertainment facilities to ensure you have a memorable and enjoyable experience. One of our standout features is our shared lounge and TV area. This inviting space provides the perfect setting to unwind after a long day of exploring Penang. Sink into one of our comfortable sofas and catch up on your favorite shows or movies on the large flat-screen TV. Whether you're traveling alone or with friends, the shared lounge is a great place to socialize, meet fellow travelers, or simply relax with a good book. Additionally, our hotel also offers high-speed Wi-Fi throughout the property, allowing you to stay connected and entertained at all times. Whether you want to stream your favorite series, catch up on work, or share your holiday photos with friends and family, our reliable internet connection ensures you can do so effortlessly. So, sit back, relax, and make the most of our entertainment facilities at Sunway Hotel Georgetown.

Stay Active at Sunway Hotel Georgetown's Sports Facilities

Sunway Hotel Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia, offers a range of top-notch sports facilities to ensure that guests can stay active and energized during their stay. The hotel boasts a state-of-the-art fitness center, equipped with modern exercise machines and equipment, making it the perfect place for guests to maintain their fitness routine. Whether you prefer cardio workouts or strength training, the fitness center at Sunway Hotel Georgetown has everything you need to achieve your fitness goals. For those who prefer to exercise outdoors, the hotel features a refreshing outdoor pool where guests can take a dip and enjoy a leisurely swim. Surrounded by lush greenery and offering stunning views of the city, the pool provides a serene and peaceful setting for guests to relax and unwind. Whether you want to swim a few laps to start your day or simply soak up the sun by the poolside, the outdoor pool at Sunway Hotel Georgetown is the perfect spot. What sets Sunway Hotel Georgetown apart is that the fitness center is not only well-equipped but also free for all guests to use. Open 24 hours a day, the fitness center allows guests to work out at their convenience, ensuring that they can stay fit and active even during their busiest days. So whether you're an early bird who likes to start the day with a workout or a night owl who prefers to exercise late at night, the 24-hour fitness center at Sunway Hotel Georgetown has got you covered. Stay active and make the most of your stay at Sunway Hotel Georgetown's exceptional sports facilities.

Convenience Facilities at Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Sunway Hotel Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia offers an array of convenience facilities to enhance your stay. From the moment you arrive, you'll appreciate the hotel's commitment to providing exceptional service. The concierge is always available to assist with any inquiries or requests you may have, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience. For those who like to stay connected, Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers complimentary Wi-Fi in all rooms and public areas. Whether you're catching up on work emails or streaming your favorite shows, you can enjoy fast and reliable internet access throughout the hotel. In addition, the hotel provides practical amenities such as laundry service and daily housekeeping, ensuring that your clothes are fresh and your room is always tidy. Safety deposit boxes are also available for your peace of mind, allowing you to store your valuables securely. For guests who smoke, there is a designated smoking area where you can indulge in your habit without disturbing others. Furthermore, Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers express check-in/check-out services, allowing you to save time and start enjoying your stay immediately. Luggage storage is also available, so you can explore the city without worrying about your bags. If you're in need of a quick snack or beverage, you'll appreciate the convenience of the hotel's vending machine. Whether it's a late-night craving or a refreshing drink after a long day of exploring, you can satisfy your cravings without leaving the hotel. With its range of convenience facilities, Sunway Hotel Georgetown ensures that your stay is comfortable, convenient, and enjoyable.

Convenient Transport Facilities at Sunway Hotel Georgetown

At Sunway Hotel Georgetown, we strive to make your stay as convenient and hassle-free as possible. Our transport facilities are designed to cater to all your travel needs. Whether you are arriving at the airport or exploring the city, we have got you covered. Start your journey with ease by taking advantage of our airport transfer service. Our dedicated staff will ensure a smooth and comfortable ride from the airport to the hotel. If you're looking to explore the vibrant city of Penang, our tour desk can assist you in planning exciting excursions to popular attractions. For guests with their own vehicles, we offer a secure and spacious car park onsite. Self-parking is available free of charge, making it convenient for you to come and go as you please. If you prefer not to drive, our shuttle service and taxi service are available to take you to your desired destinations. Additionally, we offer car hire services for those who wish to explore the city at their own pace. Our ticket service is also available to help you plan and book tickets for various attractions and events in Penang. At Sunway Hotel Georgetown, we ensure that your transportation needs are well taken care of.

Comfort and Convenience at Sunway Hotel Georgetown's Rooms

Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers a range of room facilities designed to provide utmost comfort and convenience for guests. Each room is equipped with air conditioning, ensuring a cool and comfortable stay even during the hottest days. Guests can stay up-to-date with the latest news by enjoying a complimentary daily newspaper delivered straight to their room. For those who like to keep their hair looking stylish, a hair dryer is provided in each room, making it easy to achieve the perfect hairstyle before heading out for the day. The rooms also feature a television, allowing guests to unwind and enjoy their favorite shows or movies after a long day of exploring. To satisfy any cravings or thirst, each room is equipped with a well-stocked mini bar and refrigerator. Guests can indulge in a refreshing drink or snack without having to leave the comfort of their room. With these thoughtful facilities, Sunway Hotel Georgetown ensures that guests have everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Indulge in a Culinary Delight at Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers a range of exceptional dining facilities that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate. Start your day with a delightful breakfast buffet at the hotel's coffee shop, where a wide selection of dishes awaits you. From freshly baked pastries to traditional Malaysian delicacies, there is something to please every taste. The coffee shop also offers a cozy atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea while catching up with friends or simply unwinding after a long day of exploring the vibrant city of Penang. At Sunway Hotel Georgetown, dining is not just about the food, but also about the experience. The hotel's dining facilities are designed to provide a memorable culinary journey for guests. The coffee shop boasts an elegant and modern decor, creating a welcoming ambiance that is both sophisticated and comfortable. The attentive and friendly staff are always on hand to ensure that your dining experience is nothing short of exceptional. With daily housekeeping, you can rest assured that the dining facilities are always clean and well-maintained, allowing you to fully enjoy your meal in a hygienic environment. Whether you are a food enthusiast or simply looking for a convenient place to grab a bite, Sunway Hotel Georgetown's dining facilities are sure to exceed your expectations.

Comfort and Variety Await at Sunway Hotel Georgetown

At Sunway Hotel Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia, guests can choose from a range of stylish and well-appointed rooms to suit their preferences. The Deluxe King room offers a spacious 28 square meters of space with a comfortable Double Bed, perfect for couples or solo travelers seeking a cozy retreat. For those traveling with a companion, the Deluxe Twin room provides 30 square meters of space with 2 Single Beds, ensuring a restful night's sleep for all. Families will find the Family Room to be an ideal choice, offering 28 square meters of space with the option of either 1 Single Bed or 1 Double Bed. This versatile room allows families to customize their stay to meet their specific needs. For a touch of luxury, the Premier King room offers 30 square meters of space with a plush King Bed, providing a truly indulgent experience. Alternatively, the Premier Twin room offers the same generous space with 2 Single Beds, perfect for friends or colleagues traveling together. Booking these exceptional rooms at Sunway Hotel Georgetown is made easy and convenient through Agoda. With Agoda's best price guarantee, guests can rest assured that they are getting the most competitive rates available. Additionally, Agoda offers a hassle-free booking experience, allowing users to quickly and securely reserve their desired room with just a few clicks. Whether you're seeking comfort, style, or versatility, Sunway Hotel Georgetown and Agoda have you covered for a memorable stay in Penang.

Discover the Vibrant Charm of Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia

Immerse yourself in the vibrant and culturally rich city of Georgetown, nestled on the island of Penang in Malaysia. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a captivating blend of old-world charm and modern attractions, making it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic and diverse experience. Step into the streets of Georgetown and be transported back in time as you wander through its historic neighborhoods. Admire the well-preserved colonial architecture, colorful heritage buildings, and intricate temples that reflect the city's multicultural heritage. Explore the famous Clan Jetties, where traditional wooden houses built on stilts hover above the water, offering a glimpse into the lives of the local Chinese community. Beyond its historical allure, Georgetown is also a haven for food lovers. Indulge in a gastronomic adventure as you savor the flavors of Penang's renowned street food. From mouthwatering char kway teow (stir-fried noodles) to aromatic nasi kandar (rice with various curries), the local culinary scene is a melting pot of Malay, Chinese, and Indian influences. For those seeking a dose of art and culture, Georgetown is home to numerous art galleries, museums, and street art. Marvel at the famous murals by Ernest Zacharevic, which have become iconic symbols of the city. Visit the Penang State Museum and Art Gallery to delve deeper into the history and heritage of Penang. With its vibrant street markets, bustling night bazaars, and lively festivals, Georgetown offers a vibrant atmosphere that will keep you entertained day and night. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets, sampling the diverse cuisine, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Georgetown is sure to leave a lasting impression on every visitor.

Convenient Transportation Options from Penang Airport to Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Located in the heart of Georgetown, Penang, Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers a convenient and comfortable stay for travelers visiting this vibrant city. Getting to the hotel from the nearest airport, Penang International Airport, is a breeze with several transportation options available. One of the most convenient ways to reach Sunway Hotel Georgetown from Penang International Airport is by taxi. Upon arrival, you will find a taxi counter at the airport where you can book a taxi to take you directly to the hotel. The journey takes around 30 minutes, depending on traffic conditions, and offers a hassle-free way to reach your destination. If you prefer a more budget-friendly option, you can opt for the Rapid Penang Bus service. The bus stop is conveniently located just outside the airport, and you can take Bus 401E to reach Sunway Hotel Georgetown. The bus journey takes approximately 45 minutes, but it allows you to enjoy the scenic views of Penang along the way. For those who prefer a private and comfortable transfer, you can also arrange for a pre-booked airport transfer service. This option ensures a hassle-free journey from the airport to Sunway Hotel Georgetown, with a professional driver waiting for you upon arrival. No matter which transportation option you choose, you can look forward to a convenient and enjoyable journey from Penang International Airport to Sunway Hotel Georgetown, where you can relax and explore the vibrant city of Georgetown, Penang.

Discover the Rich Heritage and Cultural Gems near Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Situated in the heart of Georgetown, Sunway Hotel Georgetown is surrounded by a plethora of landmarks and attractions that showcase the rich heritage and cultural gems of Penang. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you will find the Pinang Peranakan Mansion, a beautifully restored heritage mansion that offers a fascinating glimpse into the Peranakan culture and lifestyle. Marvel at the intricate architecture, antique furniture, and exquisite collections of the mansion, which provide a vivid representation of the Peranakan heritage. Another nearby attraction is Chew's Jetty, a historic waterfront settlement that dates back to the 19th century. Take a leisurely stroll along the wooden walkways and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this living heritage site. As you explore the jetty, you'll encounter traditional wooden houses, bustling seafood restaurants, and friendly locals going about their daily lives. For history enthusiasts, a visit to the Cheong Fatt Tze - The Blue Mansion is a must. This iconic indigo-blue mansion is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and showcases the finest example of Chinese architecture in Penang. Step inside and be captivated by the intricate carvings, ornate decorations, and stunning courtyards that reflect the opulence of the bygone era. With its rich history and architectural beauty, the Blue Mansion is a true gem of Penang's heritage landscape.

Convenient Public Transport Stations Near Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Located in the heart of Penang, Sunway Hotel Georgetown offers easy access to several public transport stations, making it a convenient choice for travelers looking to explore the vibrant city. Just a short walk away from the hotel is the Komtar Bus Terminal, one of the main transportation hubs in Penang. From here, guests can hop on buses that connect to various parts of the island, including popular tourist attractions like Batu Ferringhi and Kek Lok Si Temple. Another nearby public transport station is the Pengkalan Raja Tun Uda Bus Terminal, which is just a few minutes' drive from the hotel. This terminal offers a wide range of bus services, allowing guests to easily explore the surrounding areas of Penang. Whether you're planning to visit the historical Georgetown area or venture further to explore the beautiful beaches of Penang, the convenient location of Sunway Hotel Georgetown ensures that you have easy access to public transportation options for a seamless travel experience.

A Culinary Adventure Awaits

Sunway Hotel Georgetown is surrounded by a plethora of dining options that cater to every palate. Teksen Restaurant offers delectable Chinese cuisine with a modern twist, while PINWHEEL RESTO CAFE is a cozy spot serving up a variety of Western and Asian fusion dishes. For those craving Middle Eastern flavors, Halab Penang is a must-visit, offering authentic Lebanese cuisine. Wheeler's is a popular choice for seafood lovers, serving up fresh catches of the day. The Forest - Heritage is a charming restaurant that specializes in traditional Malaysian dishes made from locally sourced ingredients. Restoran Nasi Kandar Line Clear is a local favorite, known for its flavorful Indian-Muslim cuisine. Tai Tong Restaurant is a great option for those looking to indulge in classic Cantonese dishes. Holy Guacamole - Love Lane is a vibrant Mexican restaurant that serves up delicious tacos, burritos, and margaritas. For a taste of local Penang cuisine, Lagenda House & Cafe is a great choice, offering a variety of traditional dishes. Lastly, Sungai Pinang Food Court (Astaka Sungai Pinang) is a bustling food court where visitors can sample a wide array of local street food delicacies. With such a diverse range of dining options just steps away from the hotel, guests at Sunway Hotel Georgetown are in for a culinary adventure.

Shop 'til you drop at Sunway Hotel Georgetown's surrounding shopping landmarks

Sunway Hotel Georgetown is conveniently located near a variety of shopping landmarks that cater to every shopper's needs. Just a short walk away, you'll find Fuan Wong, a popular shopping destination known for its wide selection of clothing, accessories, and household items. For those looking for a more traditional shopping experience, Hong Giap Hang is a must-visit. This iconic market offers a vibrant atmosphere and is filled with local vendors selling fresh produce, spices, and unique handicrafts. Penang Plaza, located nearby, is a modern shopping complex that houses a range of international and local brands, making it the perfect place to indulge in some retail therapy. After a day of shopping, head over to Macallum Street Night Market or Lorong Kulit Flea Market, both just a short distance from the hotel, to experience the bustling night markets where you can find everything from street food to vintage treasures. If you're interested in local arts and crafts, be sure to visit Siddhi Gifts & Crafts and Seang Hin Leong Rattan and Bamboo Craft, where you can find beautifully crafted souvenirs and unique pieces to take home. And for animal lovers, Penang SPCA is located nearby, offering a chance to support a good cause and maybe even find a furry friend to adopt. Lastly, don't miss out on the vibrant Chowraster Bazaar, a bustling market known for its lively atmosphere and wide range of goods. With its prime location, Sunway Hotel Georgetown is the perfect base for exploring these diverse shopping landmarks and immersing yourself in the vibrant shopping scene of Penang.

Affordable Luxury: Sunway Hotel Georgetown Offers Great Value for Your Money

When it comes to finding the perfect accommodation in Penang, Sunway Hotel Georgetown stands out as a top choice that won't break the bank. With an average price of $86 per room, this hotel offers a winning combination of comfort, convenience, and affordability. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Penang, which is $69, Sunway Hotel Georgetown provides excellent value for your money. Despite its affordable rates, this hotel doesn't compromise on quality or service. Each room is tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. From cozy beds to spacious bathrooms and complimentary Wi-Fi, every detail has been taken care of to make your experience truly enjoyable. Whether you're a budget-conscious traveler or simply appreciate getting the most out of your money, Sunway Hotel Georgetown is the perfect choice. Not only will you save on accommodation costs, but you'll also have more to spend on exploring the vibrant city of Penang and its many attractions. Book your stay at Sunway Hotel Georgetown today and experience the best of Penang without breaking the bank.

Highly Recommended Hotel with Excellent Service

Sunway Hotel Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia is a highly recommended hotel that offers excellent service. The staffs are helpful, friendly, and always ready to assist guests. The rooms are clean and comfortable, providing a relaxing and enjoyable stay. The hotel's breakfast is delicious and offers a wide variety of options. The convenient location and friendly staff make this hotel a top choice for travelers. Whether you are visiting for business or leisure, Sunway Hotel Georgetown is the perfect place to stay in Penang.

A Wonderful Stay at Sunway Hotel Georgetown

Sunway Hotel Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia, has garnered an impressive overall rating of 8.2 from its satisfied guests. With excellent ratings across various categories, this hotel is sure to provide a memorable and enjoyable experience for its visitors. One of the standout features of Sunway Hotel Georgetown is its exceptional value for money, with a rating of 8.1. Guests appreciate the affordable rates without compromising on the quality of service and amenities. Whether you are a budget-conscious traveler or simply looking for a great deal, this hotel offers excellent value for your stay in Penang. Another aspect that sets Sunway Hotel Georgetown apart is its prime location, as reflected in its outstanding rating of 8.8. Situated in the heart of Georgetown, guests have easy access to the city's vibrant attractions, bustling markets, and delicious local cuisine. Exploring the cultural heritage and historical landmarks of Penang is a breeze with this hotel as your base.

تفاصيل اقل

وسائل الراحة والمرافق

Very good7.9

الخدمات العامة

مرافق تهم المسافرين
Languages spoken
  • English
  • Arabic
  • Chinese [Cantonese]
  • Chinese [Mandarin]
  • Malay
  • Tamil
  • Wheelchair accessible
Internet access
  • Free Wi-Fi in all rooms!
  • Internet
  • Internet services
  • Wi-Fi in public areas
Things to do, ways to relax
  • Fitness center
  • Game room
  • Pool with view
  • Swimming pool [outdoor]
  • Ticket services
  • Tours
Cleanliness and safety
  • Breakfast takeaway service
  • Cashless payment service
  • Daily disinfection in all rooms
  • Daily disinfection in common areas
  • Face coverings on staff
  • First aid kit
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hygiene certification
  • Physical distancing of at least 1 meter
  • Protective screens in common areas
  • Rooms sanitized between stays
  • Safe dining setup
  • Sanitized kitchen and tableware items
  • Staff trained in safety protocol
  • Sterilizing equipment
  • Temperature check for guests and staff
Dining, drinking, and snacking
  • Breakfast [buffet]
  • Coffee shop
  • Vending machine
Services and conveniences
  • Air conditioning in public area
  • Concierge
  • Contactless check-in/out
  • Convenience store
  • Daily housekeeping
  • Doorman
  • Dry cleaning
  • Elevator
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Ironing service
  • Laundry service
  • Luggage storage
  • Meeting/banquet facilities
  • Postal service
  • Safety deposit boxes
  • Shared lounge/TV area
  • Smoke-free property
  • Smoking area
  • Xerox/fax in business center
For the kids
  • Babysitting service
  • Family room
  • Swimming pool [kids]
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Check-in/out [express]
  • Check-in [24-hour]
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Front desk [24-hour]
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Pets allowed
  • Safety/security feature
  • Security [24-hour]
  • Smoke alarms
Getting around
  • Airport transfer
  • Car park [charges apply]
  • Car park [free of charge]
  • Car park [nearby]
  • Car park [on-site]
  • Rental car
  • Shuttle service
  • Taxi service
Sports equipment rental
  • Bicycle rental
Available in all rooms
  • Air conditioning
  • Carpeting
  • Closet
  • Clothes dryer
  • Clothes rack
  • Coffee/tea maker
  • Desk
  • Free bottled water
  • Hair dryer
  • In-room safe box
  • Interconnecting room(s) available
  • Internet access – LAN
  • Internet access – wireless
  • Ironing facilities
  • Linens
  • Mini bar
  • Non-smoking
  • Refrigerator
  • Satellite/cable channels
  • Seating area
  • Shower
  • Slippers
  • Sofa
  • Telephone
  • Toiletries
  • Towels
  • Wake-up service
  • Wooden/parqueted flooring


المطاعم الموجودة في الفندق
Sun Cafe
  • القائمة: Buffet


33, New Lane (off Macalister Road), Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia, 10400



  • Butterworth RMAF Airport (BWH)
    9.2 كم
  • Penang International Airport (PEN)
    14.3 كم 24 دقيقة قيادة
Public transportation
  • Komtar Bus Terminal
    540 متر
  • Pengkalan Raja Tun Uda Bus Terminal
    1.8 كم
Hospital or clinic
  • Pharmacy
    290 متر
  • Gurney Plaza
    3.1 كم
Convenience store
  • 7 Eleven
    130 متر
Cash withdrawal
  • ATM
    150 متر

الأماكن قريبة

Popular landmarks
  • Armenian Street
    1.2 كم
  • Khoo Kongsi
    1.3 كم
  • Cheong Fatt Tze - The Blue Mansion
    1.3 كم
  • Chew's Jetty
    1.6 كم
  • Pinang Peranakan Mansion
    1.8 كم
  • Penang Fort Cornwallis
    2.2 كم
  • Kek Lok Si Temple
    6.0 كم
  • Batu Ferringhi Beach
    10.8 كم
  • Entopia
    12.7 كم
  • Escape Theme Park
    12.8 كم
Nearby landmarks
  • My Crystal Museum
    40 متر
  • Penang Nagarathar Sivan Temple
    90 متر
  • Penang Times Square
    120 متر
  • Church of Our Lady Sorrows
    130 متر
  • Philomatic Society (Sun Yat Sen Memorial Centre)
    220 متر
  • Masjid Pakistan
    220 متر
  • St. Paul Anglican's Church
    260 متر
  • Penang Time Square
    270 متر
  • Morning market food here
    270 متر
  • Gama Supermarket & Department store
    280 متر
المسافات المعروضة هي مسافات خط مستقيم على الخريطة. قد تختلف مسافات السفر الفعلية.

سياسات العقار

الأطفال والأسرّة الإضافية

Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details.

All children are welcome.

Infant 0-1 year(s)
Stay for free if using existing bedding.
Baby cot/crib available upon request
Children 2-11 year(s)
Stay for free if using existing bedding.
If you need an extra bed, it will incur an additional charge.
Guests 12 years and older are considered as adults
Must use an extra bed which will incur an additional charge.
  • This is a strictly non-smoking property.
  • Effective from September 1, 2018, rates are quoted in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) subject to 6% service tax, the Local government fee of MYR 3 per room per night for a 4-star hotel respectively, and prevailing service charge at 10%.
  • Extra bed is not available at this property.
  • Complimentary parking is available and is subject to availability.
  • Effective 1 June 2014, the City Council of Penang will impose a Local Council Tax of MYR 3 per room per night for 4- and 5-star hotels and MYR 2 per room per night for 0- to 3-star hotels. The property’s star rating will be in accordance to the rating from the Local Council, and should the rating differ from the website, the Local Council rating will apply. This fee is payable directly to the hotel upon check-in and is not included in the room rate and taxes stated herein.
  • When booking more than 5 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

بعض المعلومات المفيدة

  • Check-in from15:00
  • Check-out until12:00
Getting around
  • Airport transfer fee116 MYR
  • Distance from city center1. Km
  • Travel time to airport (minutes)45
The property
  • Non-smoking rooms/floorsYes
  • Number of floors16
  • Number of restaurants1
  • Number of rooms 250
  • Room voltage250
  • Year property opened1994
  • Most recent renovation2013
  • Daily parking fee0 MYR

ملاحظات مهمة من مكان الإقامة

Coffee House is only available for guest to have their breakfast should guest choose not to have it in the room.

تقييمات Sunway Hotel Georgetown من نزلاء حقيقيين

مقدمة من النزلاء أصحاب الإقامات المصدقة

شعار Agoda


آخر التقييمات

آخر 10 تقييمات تلقاها العقار من مسافرين أقاموا فيه

  • 8.4
  • 8.0
  • 8.8
  • 10
  • 10
  • 6.8
  • 9.2
  • 9.6
  • 9.2
  • 9.6


الجودة مقابل السعر8.2
جودة الغرفة7.9
High score for بينانغ
+9 استثنائي (2,775)
8-9 ممتاز (1,871)
7-8 جيد جدًا (3,063)
6-7 جيد جداً (1,295)
أقل من 6 - دون التوقعات (1,107)
Guest Type
Room Type

Show reviews that mention 

أنت تشاهد 10,113 من مراجعات النزلاء الموثّقة
MOHAMMED من المملكة العربية السعودية
عائلة من أطفال كبار
مدة الإقامة 4 ليلة/ليالٍ في يوليو 2015

فندق نظيف وغرفه كبيرة نوعا ما”

أشياء أحببتها
فندق نظيف وغرفه كبيرة نوعا ما
تاريخ التقييم 02 أكتوبر 2015
Jassim من البحرين
مدة الإقامة 2 ليلة/ليالٍ في سبتمبر 2015


أشياء أحببتها
تاريخ التقييم 20 سبتمبر 2015
جيد جدًا
mobarak من المملكة العربية السعودية
مدة الإقامة 2 ليلة/ليالٍ في أغسطس 2014

جيد ”

أشياء أحببتها
الهدوء والنظافه

رائعه وفندق جيد

تاريخ التقييم 16 نوفمبر 2014
abdulaziz من المملكة العربية السعودية
مدة الإقامة 3 ليلة/ليالٍ في نوفمبر 2013

فندق جميل وسعر مناسب”

أشياء أحببتها
سعره مناسب وموقع جيد ومساحه الغرف جيده

الفندق جميل وسعره مناسب جدا وموقعه جيد للدخل المحدود انصح به

تاريخ التقييم 21 نوفمبر 2013
ahmed من المملكة العربية السعودية
عائلة من أطفال كبار
مدة الإقامة 3 ليلة/ليالٍ في أغسطس 2013

لايصلح للعرب ابدا”

أشياء أحببتها
مستوى الغرف عادي جدا

من اسوء التجارب في حباتي

تاريخ التقييم 03 سبتمبر 2013

This is a popular property. Don't miss out!