Yoho Beach Resort
يتلقى العقار تصنيف النجوم بناءً على مقاييس الراحة والمرافق ووسائل الرفاهية التي تتوقعها.
قم بالإقامة في منتجع Yoho Beach لقضاء عطلة رائعة. استمتع بالهندسة المعمارية على طراز مدينة البندقية والبحر الأبيض المتوسط، وإطلالات خلابة على المحيط، وحمام سباحة داخلي، ومنزلقات مائية، وجاكوزي، ومركز للياقة البدنية، ومزرعة كاكاو، وممتلكات هادئة على شاطئ البحر في حديقة كنتيج الوطنية. يمكنك الإقامة في هذا العقار النابض بالحياة الواقع في بلدة هنغتشون في كنتيج. استمتع بالشواطئ المذهلة والرياضات المائية المثيرة والتراث الثقافي الغني. استرخ بجانب المسبح المنعش وقم بزيارة البار الأنيق واستمتع بإمكانية الوصول المباشر إلى الشاطئ. تحتوي الغرف الساحرة على تكييف وشرفة/تراس خاص وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية. اختر من بين الغرف التي تتمتع بإطلالات مذهلة على الحديقة أو الجبل أو في الهواء الطلق. استكشف Kenting Wanli Dong التي تبعد 222.03 متر فقط أو قم بزيارة A-Shin Choco Farm تايوان التي تبعد 76.31 متر فقط عن المنشأة. احجز إقامتك اليوم! [قد تكون بعض المحتويات مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي. قد يكون هناك بعض الأخطاء.]
مكتب استقبال 24 ساعة
تأجير دراجات هوائية
موقف سيارات
خدمة انتقالات
مسبح داخلي
واي فاي مجاني في جميع الغرف
تخزين الأمتعة
Different Expense when we paid extra to upgrade the room”
Initial basic ocean room we were assigned to has lizzards and other bugs in the balcony. The balcony is facing the forest/garden (can't tell) and looks very dirty. The room looks antique old apartment. We then requested for a room change and got switched to building A and room is much better and we also paid extra to upgrade it to 2 story loft. This completely changed the experience to a happy stay. The breakfast is kinda cheap and not impressive. We also stay at Caesar Park, the facility is much newer and breakfast was amazing there and of course more expensive. But overall Yoho is not bad since it has more than one water/pool area for kids to play at. Too bad you can no longer catch hermit crab in the back of the beach as they made it illegal to walk by the coast.
Thank you for your valuable feedback. We will consult with our department heads to understand and evaluate potential adjustments. We will do our best to improve based on the suggestions you have provided.
Old hotel but great facilities”
Hotel is located in the middle of nowhere, and room is outdated with worn furniture. That being said the staff is friendly and the premises clean. Great family facility with multiple swimming pools, water slides, game room, kids room and playgrounds.
Thank you for your valuable feedback. We will consult with our department heads to understand and evaluate potential adjustments. We will do our best to improve based on the suggestions you have provided.
Budget priced resort with so much to offer ”
It was good to base ourselves here. The hotel offers many activities including live music and acts each night, kids arcade and activity centre, pools and slides. It’s across the road from the A-Shin Choco farm. Free tickets were included in the price. You can feed sika deer and DIY chocolate. It’s a cocoa farm. The resort is dated but clean. For the price it’s a bargain. It has rock tide pools behind the resort. It’s not a swimming beach or soft sand. For that you need to drive 15mins. Food was so-so. A car is a must to get around.
Thank you for the support to our company. We are looking forward to seeing you again.
Ok resort but nothing extraordinary ”
Kids liked the pools and water slides. Our room was ok but not dark enough (light coming in from outside and from different electronic devices in the room) to allow for proper sleep and the mattresses were very uncomfortable. Complimentary breakfast was good. But there’s really not much around, so you either need to drive about 15 minutes to the nearest town for lunch and dinner. If not, you’re limited to a very disappointing lunch at resort’s cafe and a nice but somewhat pricey (and almost identical every night) buffet for dinner.
Thank you for your valuable feedback. We will consult with our department heads to understand and evaluate potential adjustments. We will do our best to improve based on the suggestions you have provided.
Only one complaint”
Honestly everything about the hotel itself was fantastic. Great value, clean, and nice facilities. Only drawback was the location. Not much around, and the beach there was not swimable. The pool was only 1.1 meters so also not really good for a swim. The beach is actually a protected reef and very rocky. You have to drive about twenty minutes to get to a beach you can swim at. That was very disappointing. But other than not getting to swim in either the ocean or the pool, the hotel was nice.
Thank you for the support to our company. We are looking forward to seeing you again.