Located 22 miles from the main town of St Peter Port but easily accessible by at least 4 different buses, so this country hotel is nice even for those who visit without a car. This is an old farmhouse converted to a very modern hotel and the new restaurant is only 2 months old. Breakfast was included in our plan and it consisted of a buffet and a menu from which you order. I had the local sausage, mushrooms and fresh farm eggs. For the final night dinner i splurged on local oysters and then a ribeye. Absolutely the most fantastic dinner I have ever had.
We got the cheapest room with a view of the dumpsters but it was still very nice otherwise. There was a partial view of the gardens, bathtub, hot water, electric kettle, air conditioning, cable tv.
The staff were all very attentive to our needs and had all the answers to questions about the hotel, sights, bus schedules and everything else in between.
Fantastic place and well worth the $175 per night.