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Hotellid ja majutuskohad asukohas Varanasi

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10 parimat hotelli asukohas Varanasi

Arvustuste skoor
Meie lemmikud
Soodsaim hind esimesena
Kõige lähemal
Positiivseim arvustus
Pearl Courtyard
Dasaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Edasi-tagasi bussiteenus
  2. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  3. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  4. Pakihoid
  5. Sisse-/väljaregistreerimine [privaatne]
  6. hommikusöök [tasuta]
  7. Toateenindus [24 h]
  8. Pesuteenus
"Best hotel in the vicinity of Kashi Vishwsnath Temple"


1397 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
103 USD
The Amayaa
Cantonment, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Lennujaama transfeer
  2. Jalgrattarent
  3. Parkla
  4. Sisebassein
  5. Spordikeskus
  6. Saun
  7. Spaa
  8. Toateenindus [24 h]
"best part of our stay was the lavish Breakfast spread"


468 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
102 USD
Luxury Living- 8 bedrooms holiday home
Assi Ghat, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Parkla
  2. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  3. kiire sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
  4. Toateenindus
  5. Ekskursioonid
  6. Concierge
  7. WiFi üldkasutatavatel aladel
  8. Peretuba
Keskmine hind öö kohta
301 USD
Hotel Le Lotus Grand
Jjanki Nagar, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Lennujaama transfeer
  2. Parkla
  3. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  4. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  5. Pakihoid
  6. Pangaautomaat
  7. Sisse-/väljaregistreerimine [privaatne]
  8. Poed
"Clean, spacious rooms, amazing food in restorant"

Väga hea

392 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
48 USD
Moustache Hostel Varanasi
Assi Ghat, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Parkla
  2. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  3. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  4. Pakihoid
  5. Mängude tuba
  6. Pesuteenus
  7. Restoranid
  8. Toateenindus
"Good to place to stay and chill out with nice people around"


274 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
14 USD
Hotel Surya Kaiser Palace
Cantonment, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Lennujaama transfeer
  2. Jalgrattarent
  3. Lemmikloomad lubatud
  4. Parkla
  5. Aurusaun
  6. Spaa
  7. Edasi-tagasi bussiteenus
  8. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
"Beautiful property with equally good people and facilities"

Väga hea

960 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
51 USD
The India Benares
Cantonment, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Parkimisteenindus
  2. Edasi-tagasi bussiteenus
  3. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  4. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  5. Sisebassein
  6. Golfiväljak [kohapealne]
  7. kiire sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
  8. Pakihoid
"Location is excellent and the staff is highly cooperative"

Väga hea

386 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
59 USD
goSTOPS Varanasi
Dasaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Lemmikloomad lubatud
  2. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  3. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  4. Pakihoid
  5. Välibassein
  6. Mängude tuba
  7. Pesuteenus
  8. WiFi üldkasutatavatel aladel
"not too far from the temple and the ghats"

Väga hea

284 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
14 USD
Hotel Dolphin Grand, Varanasi
Dasaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Lennujaama transfeer
  2. Parkimisteenindus
  3. Edasi-tagasi bussiteenus
  4. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  5. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  6. kiire sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
  7. Pakihoid
  8. Pangaautomaat
"Highly recommendable."


107 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
113 USD
The Fern Residency Sarnath
Sarnath, Varanasi – näita kaardil
  1. Parkla
  2. Tasuta WiFi kõigis tubades
  3. Vastuvõtt [24 h]
  4. kiire sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
  5. Pakihoid
  6. Sisebassein
  7. Golfiväljak [kohapealne]
  8. Toateenindus [24 h]
"The staff is very polite and helpful."


167 arvustust

Keskmine hind öö kohta
75 USD

Kiired faktid – Varanasi, India

Majutuskohad2,000 majutuskohta
Populaarne hotellPearl Courtyard
Populaarne piirkondAssi Ghat
Hinnad alates5 €
LennujaamLal Bahadur Shastri rahvusvaheline lennujaam

Avasta Varanasi naabrus

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

Kui palju maksab hotellituba keskmiselt linnas Varanasi?

Tuba 3-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab keskmiselt 30 EUR. Tuba 4-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab keskmiselt 22 EUR. Tuba 5-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab keskmiselt 90 EUR.

Kui palju maksab hotellituba keskmiselt linnas Varanasi selleks nädalavahetuseks?

Tuba 3-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab sel nädalavahetusel keskmiselt 30 EUR. Tuba 4-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab sel nädalavahetusel keskmiselt 20 EUR. Tuba 5-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab sel nädalavahetusel keskmiselt 84 EUR.

Kui palju maksab hotellituba keskmiselt linnas Varanasi tänaseks?

Tuba 3-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab täna keskmiselt 28 EUR. Tuba 4-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab täna keskmiselt 20 EUR. Tuba 5-tärni hotellis linnas Varanasi maksab täna keskmiselt 69 EUR.

Millised on parimad hotellid linnas Varanasi huviväärsuse Sarnath läheduses?

Kontrollitud reisijad, kes on ööbinud linnas Varanasi huviväärsuse Sarnath läheduses, on hinnanud kõrgelt hotelli The Fern Residency Sarnath, Hotel Kashi Pride ja The Pinnacle INN Sarnath.

Millised on parimad hotellid linnas Varanasi huviväärsuse JHV Mall & Multiplex läheduses?

Kontrollitud reisijad, kes on ööbinud linnas Varanasi huviväärsuse JHV Mall & Multiplex läheduses, on hinnanud kõrgelt hotelli Hotel Hindusthan International Varanasi, Hotel Surya Kaiser Palace ja Ramada Plaza by Wyndham JHV Varanasi.

Millised on populaarseimad hotellid linnas Varanasi

Linna Varanasi populaarsete hotellide hulgas on Pearl Courtyard, The Amayaa ja Arcadia Hotel.

Millised on parimad hotellid linnas Varanasi paaridele?

Linnas Varanasi ööbinud paarid on hinnanud kõrgelt hotelli Pearl Courtyard, The Amayaa ja Arcadia Hotel.

Millised on parimad hotellid linnas Varanasi peredele?

Linnas Varanasi ööbinud pered soovitavad tungivalt hotelli Pearl Courtyard, The Amayaa ja Arcadia Hotel.

Millised hotellid linnas Varanasi on parimate vaadetega?

Kontrollitud reisijad, kes on ööbinud linnas Varanasi, on andnud kõrgeima hinde vaadetele hotellis BrijRama Palace, Varanasi by the Ganges, Ganpati Guest House ja Hotel Temple On Ganges.

Millised hotellid linnas Varanasi on parima hommikusöögiga?

Kontrollitud reisijad, kes on ööbinud linnas Varanasi, on andnud kõrgeima hinde hommikusöögile hotellis HosteLaVie Varanasi, Hotel Madin ja goSTOPS Varanasi.

Millistes piirkondades on linnas Varanasi kõige parem peatuda?

Linna Varanasi külastajatele meeldinud piirkondade hulgas on Dasaswamedh Ghat, Cantonment ja Assi Ghat.

Kuva rohkem küsimusi

Rohem asukohast Varanasi

Varanasi - India's Spiritual Capital

Varanasi, also known as Banaras or Kashi, is a city located in the northern part of India. It is considered one of the most sacred cities in the country and is a popular destination for spiritual seekers. The city is situated on the banks of the River Ganges, which is believed to be a holy river in Hinduism. Varanasi is a city that is full of life, color, and culture, making it an experience like no other.

10 Fun Facts About Varanasi That Will Surprise You

Did you know that Varanasi is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world? It is also the holiest city in India and attracts millions of visitors every year. The city is known for its rich history, culture, and spirituality. Here are some fun facts about Varanasi that you might not know:

  • Varanasi is home to more than 2,000 temples and shrines.
  • The city is famous for its silk weaving industry, which has been around for centuries.
  • Varanasi is believed to be the birthplace of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine.
  • The city is also famous for its paan, a betel leaf preparation that is chewed as a mouth freshener.
  • Varanasi is home to the largest residential university in Asia, Banaras Hindu University.
  • The city is mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas.
  • Varanasi is also known for its cremation ghats, where Hindus come to perform the last rites for their loved ones.
  • The famous Indian poet, Kabir, was born in Varanasi.
  • The city is believed to be the place where Lord Shiva, one of the most important deities in Hinduism, resides.
  • Varanasi is also the place where Buddha gave his first sermon after attaining enlightenment.

Why Varanasi Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

Varanasi is a city that is full of life, color, and culture. It is a place where you can experience the spirituality of India and witness the daily rituals of the locals. The city has a rich history and is home to some of the most beautiful temples and shrines in the country. Varanasi is also known for its silk weaving industry, which has been around for centuries. The city is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to experience the true essence of India.

How to Get to Varanasi: The Ultimate Travel Guide

Varanasi is well-connected to the rest of India by air, rail, and road. The city has its own airport, Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport, which is located about 18 kilometers from the city center. The airport is connected to major cities in India such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Bangalore. The city is also well-connected by rail, with several trains running from major cities in India. If you prefer to travel by road, you can take a bus or hire a taxi from nearby cities such as Lucknow or Allahabad.

Top Fun Things to Do in Varanasi for First-Time Visitors

Varanasi is a city that is full of life, color, and culture. It is a place where you can experience the spirituality of India and witness the daily rituals of the locals. Here are some fun things to do in Varanasi for first-time visitors:

  • Take a boat ride on the River Ganges and witness the evening aarti ceremony.
  • Visit the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, one of the most famous temples in India.
  • Take a walk through the narrow lanes of Varanasi and witness the daily life of the locals.
  • Visit the Sarnath Museum, which houses some of the most important Buddhist artifacts in India.
  • Take a silk weaving tour and learn about the history of the silk industry in Varanasi.
  • Visit the Manikarnika Ghat, one of the most famous cremation ghats in Varanasi.
  • Take a cooking class and learn how to make some of the famous local dishes.
  • Visit the Ramnagar Fort, a beautiful 17th-century fort located on the banks of the River Ganges.
  • Take a yoga class and learn about the ancient practice of yoga.

Book Your Varanasi Hotel with and Enjoy Exclusive Deals

If you're planning a trip to Varanasi, be sure to book your hotel with offers a wide range of hotels in Varanasi to suit every budget and preference. Whether you're looking for a luxury hotel or a budget-friendly guesthouse, you're sure to find the perfect accommodation with Plus, when you book your hotel with, you can enjoy exclusive deals and discounts that you won't find anywhere else.

When Is the Best Time to Visit Varanasi?

The best time to visit Varanasi is between November and February when the weather is cool and pleasant. The temperature during this time ranges from 5°C to 15°C, making it the perfect time to explore the city. The monsoon season in Varanasi starts from July and lasts till September, and the city experiences heavy rainfall during this time. If you're planning to visit Varanasi during this time, be sure to carry an umbrella or raincoat.

Traveling to Varanasi? Here Are Some Tips You Need to Know

If you're traveling to Varanasi, here are some tips that you need to know:

  • Be respectful of the local culture and dress appropriately when visiting temples or other religious places.
  • Carry a map or a guidebook with you to navigate the narrow lanes of Varanasi.
  • Be careful when walking on the ghats as they can be slippery.
  • Carry a water bottle with you as it can get hot and humid in Varanasi.
  • Be aware of scams and touts who might try to take advantage of tourists.
  • Carry a small bag or purse with you to keep your valuables safe.
  • Learn a few basic phrases in Hindi to communicate with the locals.

Where to Stay in Varanasi: The Best Neighborhoods and Hotels

Varanasi has several neighborhoods that are popular with tourists. The most popular neighborhoods are the Old City, Assi Ghat, and Cantonment. The Old City is the heart of Varanasi and is home to several temples and shrines. Assi Ghat is a popular neighborhood among backpackers and is known for its laid-back vibe. Cantonment is a quieter neighborhood and is home to several upscale hotels. Here are some of the best hotels in Varanasi:

  • Ganpati Guest House
  • Bhadra Kali Guest House
  • Marigold Guest House
  • Kedareswar B&B
  • Shiva Ganges View Guest House

What to Eat in Varanasi: A Foodie's Guide to Local Cuisine

Varanasi is known for its delicious street food and local cuisine. The city has a rich culinary history, and the food here is a reflection of the diverse cultures that have influenced it over the years. Here are some of the must-try dishes in Varanasi:

  • Chaat - a popular street food made with crispy fried dough, boiled potatoes, chickpeas, and a variety of spices.
  • Lassi - a refreshing yogurt-based drink that is perfect for hot summer days.
  • Malaiyo - a winter delicacy made with milk, saffron, and nuts.
  • Paan - a betel leaf preparation that is chewed as a mouth freshener.
  • Thandai - a refreshing drink made with milk, almonds, and spices.
  • Kachori - a deep-fried pastry filled with spiced lentils or potatoes.
  • Baati Chokha - a traditional dish made with roasted dough balls, lentils, and vegetables.
  • Makhan Malai - a frothy dessert made with milk, saffron, and nuts.

How to Travel Around Varanasi: A Comprehensive Guide

Varanasi is a city that is best explored on foot. The narrow lanes of the city can be challenging to navigate, but they are full of surprises. If you prefer to travel by auto-rickshaw, be sure to negotiate the fare before getting in. You can also hire a taxi or a bicycle rickshaw to explore the city. If you're feeling adventurous, you can rent a bike or a scooter and explore the city at your own pace.