クラークス カジュラホ ホテル (Clarks Khajuraho hotel)
魅力的なクラークス カジュラホ ホテルは、活気あふれる街を探索する 2 人の旅行者にとって完璧な安息の地です。カジュラホの中心部に位置し、優れたおもてなし、申し分のないサービス、エアコン完備の大きくて清潔な客室をお楽しみください。 - 室内セーフティボックス、冷蔵庫の冷たい飲み物をお楽しみください。一日の始まりには、種類豊富な無料の朝食をお楽しみください。元気を回復する温泉でくつろぎ、ガイド付きパブ巡りなどの特別なサービスをご利用ください。広い芝生エリア。クラークス カジュラホ ホテルで快適さ、便利さ、興奮を体験してください。 [一部コンテンツは生成AIによって作成されています。情報が正確でない可能性があります。]
Dear Guest, It was a pleasure to have you stay with us during your visit in Hotel Clarks Khajuraho and we sincerely appreciate your time and review. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality of service which keeps us motivated and helps us in serving our best. We do hope you will recommend us to your friends and associates and look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you back soon. Thank you for your recognition. Thank you for your recognition.
Dear Guest, It was a pleasure to have you stay with us during your visit in Hotel Clarks Khajuraho and we sincerely appreciate your time and review. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality of service which keeps us motivated and helps us in serving our best. We do hope you will recommend us to your friends and associates and look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you back soon. Thank you for your recognition. Thank you for your recognition.
Dear Guest, It was a pleasure to have you stay with us during your visit in Hotel Clarks Khajuraho and we sincerely appreciate your time and review. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality of service which keeps us motivated and helps us in serving our best. We do hope you will recommend us to your friends and associates and look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you back soon.Thank you for your recognition. Thank you for your recognition.
Good hotel
Dear Guest, It was a pleasure to have you stay with us during your visit in Hotel Clarks Khajuraho and we sincerely appreciate your time and review. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality of service which keeps us motivated and helps us in serving our best. We do hope you will recommend us to your friends and associates and look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you back soon. Thank you for your recognition.
中心部から少し離れていますが、逆にそれが静かさにつながっているのかもしれません。ディナー夜はホテルのレストランで食べましたが、ローカルフードが食べたいと言ったら厨房に相談しに行ってオリジナルで作ってくれました。 アルコールの種類も多く素晴らしい夕食の時間を取ることができました。
Dear Guest, It was a pleasure to have you stay with us during your visit in Hotel Clarks Khajuraho and we sincerely appreciate your time and review. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality of service which keeps us motivated and helps us in serving our best. Looking forward your next visit with us. Thank you for your recognition.