Where to stay in Castile and Leon
- Salamanca
- 501 hotels
- Leon
- 414 hotels
- Burgos
- 315 hotels
- Avila
- 217 hotels
- Segovia
- 199 hotels
- Zamora
- 182 hotels
- Valladolid
- 180 hotels
- Ponferrada
- 109 hotels
- Candeleda
- 109 hotels
- Arenas De San Pedro
- 104 hotels
- Soria
- 98 hotels
- Navarredonda de Gredos
- 69 hotels
- Ciudad-Rodrigo
- 53 hotels
- Astorga
- 53 hotels
- Aranda De Duero
- 39 hotels
- Candelario
- 36 hotels
- Palencia
- 36 hotels
- Bejar
- 36 hotels
- Las Navas Del Marqués
- 34 hotels
- El Burgo De Osma
- 33 hotels
- Villablino
- 32 hotels
- Arevalo
- 31 hotels
- Molinaseca
- 31 hotels
- Tordesillas
- 30 hotels
- Galende
- 30 hotels
- Puebla de Lillo
- 28 hotels
- Puebla de Sanabria
- 28 hotels
- Hoyos del Espino
- 26 hotels
- Aldeadavila De La Ribera
- 25 hotels
- Navaluenga
- 24 hotels
- La Adrada
- 24 hotels
- San Ildefonso
- 24 hotels
- Estacion De El Espinar
- 24 hotels
- La Alberca
- 23 hotels
- Pedraza
- 23 hotels
- Riaza
- 23 hotels
- Vinuesa
- 22 hotels
- Barraco
- 22 hotels
- Villafranca Del Bierzo
- 22 hotels
- Peñafiel
- 22 hotels
- Fermoselle
- 21 hotels
- Posada de Valdeón
- 21 hotels
- Mogarraz
- 20 hotels
- Coca
- 18 hotels
- Villarcayo
- 18 hotels
- Ortigosa del Monte
- 18 hotels
- Vega De Valcarce
- 17 hotels
- El Barco de Avila
- 17 hotels
- Trefacio
- 17 hotels
- Santa Colomba De Somoza
- 17 hotels
- Poyales Del Hoyo
- 17 hotels
- Toro
- 17 hotels
- Lerma
- 16 hotels
- Solosancho
- 16 hotels
- Sotillo de la Adrada
- 15 hotels
- Piedralaves
- 15 hotels
- Torrecaballeros
- 15 hotels
- Sepulveda
- 15 hotels
- Ayllon
- 15 hotels
- La Omanuela
- 14 hotels
- Medina De Pomar
- 14 hotels
- Aguilar De Campoo
- 14 hotels
- Pradena
- 14 hotels
- Las Salas
- 14 hotels
- Navatejares
- 14 hotels
- Villamayor
- 13 hotels
- Medina del Campo
- 13 hotels
- Cuéllar
- 13 hotels
- Paramo
- 13 hotels
- Covarrubias
- 13 hotels
- Espirdo
- 13 hotels
- Arcones
- 13 hotels
- Castrojeriz
- 13 hotels
- Pedro Bernardo
- 13 hotels
- Riano
- 13 hotels
- Santo Domingo De Silos
- 13 hotels
- Sotoserrano
- 13 hotels
- Sahagun
- 12 hotels
- San Leornardo De Yague
- 12 hotels
- Molinos De Duero
- 12 hotels
- La Baneza
- 12 hotels
- Fuentiduena
- 12 hotels
- San Emiliano
- 12 hotels
- Lanzahita
- 11 hotels
- Roa
- 11 hotels
- Miranda de Ebro
- 11 hotels
- Mijares (Castile and León)
- 11 hotels
- Sesamo
- 11 hotels
- Gil Garcia
- 11 hotels
- Solana de ávila
- 11 hotels
- Espinosa de los Monteros
- 11 hotels
- Narayola
- 11 hotels
- Cervera De Pisuerga
- 11 hotels
- Medinaceli
- 11 hotels
- Miranda Del Castanar
- 11 hotels
- Covaleda
- 11 hotels
- Cuevas Del Valle
- 11 hotels
- Navalonguilla
- 11 hotels
- San Esteban De La Sierra
- 10 hotels
- Berlanga De Duero
- 10 hotels
- Almazan
- 10 hotels
- Abejar
- 10 hotels
- Benavente
- 10 hotels
- Curiel De Duero
- 10 hotels
- Saucelle
- 10 hotels
- Fromista
- 10 hotels
- Santo Tomé del Puerto
- 10 hotels
- Valle de Mena
- 10 hotels
- Trescasas
- 10 hotels
- Belorado
- 10 hotels
- San Martin de la Vega del Alberche
- 9 hotels
- Triollo
- 9 hotels
- Guisando
- 9 hotels
- Fabero
- 9 hotels
- La Pola de Gordón
- 9 hotels
- Oña
- 9 hotels
- Hospital De Órbigo
- 9 hotels
- Boca de Huergano
- 9 hotels
- Piedrahita
- 9 hotels
- Valdeavellano de Tera
- 9 hotels
- Cebreros
- 9 hotels
- Almarza
- 9 hotels
- Cepeda De La Sierra
- 9 hotels
- El Tiemblo
- 9 hotels
- Sotosalbos
- 9 hotels
- Caleruega
- 9 hotels
- Cantalejo
- 9 hotels
- Ucero
- 8 hotels
- Penalba De Avila
- 8 hotels
- Canduela
- 8 hotels
- Carrion De Los Condes
- 8 hotels
- Villalpando
- 8 hotels
- Carucedo
- 8 hotels
- San Esteban De Gormaz
- 8 hotels
- Simancas
- 8 hotels
- Briviesca
- 8 hotels
- Olmedo
- 8 hotels
- Gallegos
- 8 hotels
- Villares de la Reina
- 8 hotels
- Valle de Valdebezana
- 8 hotels
- Garray
- 8 hotels
- Casavieja
- 8 hotels
- Cobreros
- 8 hotels
- Villarejo del Valle
- 8 hotels
- Lubián
- 8 hotels
- El Hoyo de Pinares
- 8 hotels
- La Fregeneda
- 8 hotels
- San Cristobal De Segovia
- 8 hotels
- Villanueva De Avila
- 8 hotels
- Cidones
- 8 hotels
- Calatanazor
- 8 hotels
- El Royo
- 7 hotels
- Nava del Rey
- 7 hotels
- Manjabalago
- 7 hotels
- Ricobayo
- 7 hotels
- Combarros
- 7 hotels
- Vega de Santa Maria
- 7 hotels
- Santibáñez de la Peña
- 7 hotels
- Valderrueda
- 7 hotels
- La Hoya (Salamanca)
- 7 hotels
- Sardón de Duero
- 7 hotels
- Escobar de Polendos
- 7 hotels
- San Justo
- 7 hotels
- Turégano
- 7 hotels
- Baraona
- 7 hotels
- Almenara de Tormes
- 7 hotels
- Puerto de Bejar
- 7 hotels
- San Martin del Pimpollar
- 7 hotels
- San Esteban del Valle
- 7 hotels
- Hontoria del Pinar
- 7 hotels
- Arroyo
- 7 hotels
- Rueda
- 7 hotels
- Cacabelos
- 7 hotels
- Carracedelo
- 7 hotels
- Casarejos
- 7 hotels
- Borrenes
- 7 hotels
- Barriolacuesta
- 7 hotels
- Arcos De Jalon
- 7 hotels
- Navaleno
- 7 hotels
- Sotillo Del Rincon
- 7 hotels
- Sequeros
- 7 hotels
- Valencia De Don Juan
- 7 hotels
- Villatoro
- 7 hotels
- Villalcazar De Sirga
- 7 hotels
- Babilafuente
- 7 hotels
- Montemayor de Pililla
- 6 hotels
- Monte Costaján
- 6 hotels
- El Espino
- 6 hotels
- La Parra (Castile and Leon)
- 6 hotels
- Villanueva Del Conde
- 6 hotels
- Virgen Del Camino
- 6 hotels
- Siete Iglesias De Trabancos
- 6 hotels
- San Miguel De Valero
- 6 hotels
- Santa Maria Del Tietar
- 6 hotels
- Penacaballera
- 6 hotels
- Duruelo De La Sierra
- 6 hotels
- Villanubla
- 6 hotels
- La Cisterniga
- 6 hotels
- Casillas
- 6 hotels
- Beberino
- 6 hotels
- Salas de los Infantes
- 6 hotels
- Cubillas De Santa Marta
- 6 hotels
- Saldana
- 6 hotels
- Pedredo
- 6 hotels
- Bembibre
- 6 hotels
- Carrocera
- 6 hotels
- Sasamón
- 6 hotels
- Villamarciel
- 6 hotels
- San Martín del Camino
- 6 hotels
- Carrizo de la Ribera
- 6 hotels
- Mansilla de las Mulas
- 6 hotels
- Cilleruelo de Bezana
- 6 hotels
- Barniedo de la Reina
- 6 hotels
- Nava de la Asuncion
- 6 hotels
- Miguelanez
- 6 hotels
- Atapuerca
- 6 hotels
- Pereda de Ancares
- 6 hotels
- Quintanaduenas
- 5 hotels
- Villacelama
- 5 hotels
- Deza
- 5 hotels
- Manganeses de la Lampreana
- 5 hotels
- Navas de Riofrio
- 5 hotels
- Barbadillo Del Pez
- 5 hotels
- Neila de San Miguel
- 5 hotels
- Pesquera De Duero
- 5 hotels
- Penaranda De Duero
- 5 hotels
- Aldeanueva de la Sierra
- 5 hotels
- Guijo de Avila
- 5 hotels
- San Juan de Gredos
- 5 hotels
- Ampudia
- 5 hotels
- Valbuena de Duero
- 5 hotels
- Navalmoral
- 5 hotels
- Navalacruz
- 5 hotels
- Brieva
- 5 hotels
- El Cabaco
- 5 hotels
- Sando
- 5 hotels
- Cardeñosa
- 5 hotels
- Trabanca
- 5 hotels
- Torreiglesias
- 5 hotels
- Otero de Bodas
- 5 hotels
- Aldeayuso
- 5 hotels
- Osorno
- 5 hotels
- Salinas De Pisuerga
- 5 hotels
- Requejada
- 5 hotels
- Alba De Tormes
- 5 hotels
- Burgohondo
- 5 hotels
- Palazuelos De Eresma
- 5 hotels
- Cubillo
- 5 hotels
- Guardo
- 5 hotels
- Munana
- 5 hotels
- Navacepedilla Del Corneja
- 5 hotels
- Navafria
- 5 hotels
- Moralina
- 5 hotels
- Moratinos
- 5 hotels
- Ledesma
- 5 hotels
- Camasobres
- 5 hotels
- Canedo
- 5 hotels
- Quintanar De La Sierra
- 5 hotels
- Sebulcor
- 5 hotels
- Sancti Spiritus
- 5 hotels
- Villacastin
- 5 hotels
- Boecillo
- 5 hotels
- Vegacervera
- 5 hotels
- Torre Val De San Pedro
- 5 hotels
- Carcedo de Burgos
- 5 hotels
- Hontanas
- 5 hotels
- Zarzuela del Monte
- 5 hotels
- Ahigal de los Aceiteros
- 4 hotels
- El Valle
- 4 hotels
- Santibáñez del Val
- 4 hotels
- Soto y Amío
- 4 hotels
- Trabadelo
- 4 hotels
- Valdemaluque
- 4 hotels
- Pobladura De Las Regueras
- 4 hotels
- Olvega
- 4 hotels
- Cistierna
- 4 hotels
- Vitigudino
- 4 hotels
- Viloria De La Jurisdiccion
- 4 hotels
- Santa Maria Del Paramo
- 4 hotels
- Poza De La Sal
- 4 hotels
- Salduero
- 4 hotels
- Penaranda De Bracamonte
- 4 hotels
- Arlanzon
- 4 hotels
- Aldeanueva De La Serrezuela
- 4 hotels
- Pino
- 4 hotels
- Fornillos De Aliste
- 4 hotels
- Hoyocasero
- 4 hotels
- Hoyorredondo
- 4 hotels
- La Vid Y Barrios
- 4 hotels
- El Fresno
- 4 hotels
- Valverdon
- 4 hotels
- Castrillo Del Val
- 4 hotels
- Laguna De Duero
- 4 hotels
- Velliza
- 4 hotels
- Medina De Rioseco
- 4 hotels
- Palacio
- 4 hotels
- Caballar
- 4 hotels
- Luyego
- 4 hotels
- Velayos
- 4 hotels
- Noceda Del Bierzo
- 4 hotels
- Valverde del Majano
- 4 hotels
- Gallegos de San Vicente
- 4 hotels
- Geria
- 4 hotels
- Corullon
- 4 hotels
- Manzanal de Arriba
- 4 hotels
- Fresno de Cantespino
- 4 hotels
- Valle de Tobalina
- 4 hotels
- La Encina
- 4 hotels
- Fariza
- 4 hotels
- Merindad de Sotoscueva
- 4 hotels
- El Perdigón
- 4 hotels
- Vadocondes
- 4 hotels
- San Pedro de Rozados
- 4 hotels
- Baños de Ledesma
- 4 hotels
- Quintanilla de Babia
- 4 hotels
- Santa Colomba de las Arrimadas
- 4 hotels
- Quintanilla de Onésimo
- 4 hotels
- Yanguas
- 4 hotels
- Trabazos
- 4 hotels
- Valleruela De Pedraza
- 4 hotels
- Santa Maria de Huerta
- 4 hotels
- La Carrera
- 4 hotels
- Munogalindo
- 4 hotels
- Rioseco de Soria
- 4 hotels
- Traguntia
- 4 hotels
- Torquemada
- 4 hotels
- Astudillo
- 4 hotels
- Chatun
- 4 hotels
- Pesquera de Ebro
- 4 hotels
- Masueco
- 4 hotels
- Prioro
- 4 hotels
- Salvatierra de Tormes
- 4 hotels
- Villanueva de Valdueza
- 4 hotels
- La Calzada De Bejar
- 3 hotels
- Villarente
- 3 hotels
- Vilvestre
- 3 hotels
- Adanero
- 3 hotels
- Santa Gadea del Cid
- 3 hotels
- Fuente el Sauz
- 3 hotels
- Villaherreros
- 3 hotels
- Villalon de Campos
- 3 hotels
- Villar de Ciervo
- 3 hotels
- Trespaderne
- 3 hotels
- Pradosegar
- 3 hotels
- Pradoluengo
- 3 hotels
- Maraña
- 3 hotels
- Tiedra
- 3 hotels
- Boadilla del Camino
- 3 hotels
- Fuentespina
- 3 hotels
- Huerta
- 3 hotels
- San Martin del Castanar
- 3 hotels
- Duruelo
- 3 hotels
- Villaturiel
- 3 hotels
- Veguellina de Órbigo
- 3 hotels
- Foncebadón
- 3 hotels
- San Pedro de las Herrerías
- 3 hotels
- Villafranca Montes de Oca
- 3 hotels
- Aldea Real
- 3 hotels
- Nuevo Naharros
- 3 hotels
- Pollos
- 3 hotels
- Terradillos
- 3 hotels
- Ardón
- 3 hotels
- Secarejo
- 3 hotels
- Villabrázaro
- 3 hotels
- Pereruela
- 3 hotels
- Merindad de Valdeporres
- 3 hotels
- Villar del Buey
- 3 hotels
- Quintanas de Gormaz
- 3 hotels
- Monleras
- 3 hotels
- Ágreda
- 3 hotels
- San Cristóbal de Entreviñas
- 3 hotels
- Destriana
- 3 hotels
- El Burgo Ranero
- 3 hotels
- Duenas
- 3 hotels
- Palacios de la Valduerna
- 3 hotels
- Las Fraguas
- 3 hotels
- Pancorbo
- 3 hotels
- Cabezon de Pisuerga
- 3 hotels
- Venta de Banos
- 3 hotels
- Villagonzalo Pedernales
- 3 hotels
- Tudela de Duero
- 3 hotels
- Villardiegua De La Ribera
- 3 hotels
- Castrocontrigo
- 3 hotels
- Villaralbo
- 3 hotels
- Boada
- 3 hotels
- Gumiel De Mercado
- 3 hotels
- Calvarrasa De Abajo
- 3 hotels
- Bernardos
- 3 hotels
- Cubillos Del Sil
- 3 hotels
- Anaya
- 3 hotels
- El Ribero - Merindad De Montija
- 3 hotels
- Hinojosa De Duero
- 3 hotels
- Fuentes De Bejar
- 3 hotels
- Losacio De Alba
- 3 hotels
- Lugueros
- 3 hotels
- Maderuelo
- 3 hotels
- Monfarracinos
- 3 hotels
- Montenegro De Cameros
- 3 hotels
- Montorio
- 3 hotels
- Mota Del Marques
- 3 hotels
- Carbonero El Mayor
- 3 hotels
- Alaejos
- 3 hotels
- Almeida De Sayago
- 3 hotels
- Cerezo De Abajo
- 3 hotels
- Campaspero
- 3 hotels
- Bermellar
- 3 hotels
- Branosera
- 3 hotels
- Quintana Del Puente
- 3 hotels
- Sena De Luna
- 3 hotels
- Santa Maria De Ordas
- 3 hotels
- Cubilla
- 3 hotels
- Val De San Lorenzo
- 3 hotels
- Villodrigo
- 3 hotels
- Sorihuela
- 3 hotels
- Prádanos de Ojeda
- 3 hotels
- Aldehuela del Rincón
- 3 hotels
- Coca de Alba
- 3 hotels
- Domingo García
- 3 hotels
- Blascosancho
- 3 hotels
- Hontoria de Valdearados
- 3 hotels
- Calzadilla de la Cueza
- 3 hotels
- Herrera de Pisuerga
- 3 hotels
- Roda de Eresma
- 3 hotels
- Santa María de Nava
- 3 hotels
- Castillejo de Robledo
- 3 hotels
- Ibeas de Juarros
- 3 hotels
- Quintanilla del Agua
- 3 hotels
- Tórtoles de la Sierra
- 3 hotels
- Rabé de las Calzadas
- 2 hotels
- Reliegos
- 2 hotels
- Cabañas de Polendos
- 2 hotels
- Navalperal de Tormes
- 2 hotels
- Isar
- 2 hotels
- Peral de Arlanza
- 2 hotels
- Monasterio de Rodilla
- 2 hotels
- Villares de Órbigo
- 2 hotels
- Valverde de la Virgen
- 2 hotels
- San Vitero
- 2 hotels
- Nestar
- 2 hotels
- Villahoz
- 2 hotels
- Alaraz
- 2 hotels
- Morales de Rey
- 2 hotels
- Portilla de la Reina
- 2 hotels
- Villamanín
- 2 hotels
- Sanjuanejo
- 2 hotels
- Lubia
- 2 hotels
- Santa Olaja de la Vega
- 2 hotels
- Mingorría
- 2 hotels
- Valdenebro De Los Valles
- 2 hotels
- Valdespino
- 2 hotels
- Valoria La Buena
- 2 hotels
- Vivar Del Cid
- 2 hotels
- Solarana
- 2 hotels
- Tamara De Campos
- 2 hotels
- Penausende
- 2 hotels
- Noceco De Montija
- 2 hotels
- Palacios De Sanabria
- 2 hotels
- Buniel
- 2 hotels
- Burgomillodo
- 2 hotels
- Bocigas
- 2 hotels
- Chane
- 2 hotels
- Arcahueja
- 2 hotels
- Santa Inés
- 2 hotels
- Muga De Sayago
- 2 hotels
- Higuera De Las Duenas
- 2 hotels
- Coreses
- 2 hotels
- Cardenal
- 2 hotels
- Villada
- 2 hotels
- Pedro
- 2 hotels
- Fresnedo
- 2 hotels
- Valle De Tabladillo
- 2 hotels
- Villadangos Del Páramo
- 2 hotels
- Magaz de Pisuerga
- 2 hotels
- Vega
- 2 hotels
- Villarrín De Campos
- 2 hotels
- Cuevas
- 2 hotels
- Balboa
- 2 hotels
- Pelabravo
- 2 hotels
- San Felices
- 2 hotels
- San Felices de los Gallegos
- 2 hotels
- Guijuelo
- 2 hotels
- Mozarbez
- 2 hotels
- Herrera de Valdecañas
- 2 hotels
- Armuña
- 2 hotels
- Valderas (Castile and León)
- 2 hotels
- Mombuey
- 2 hotels
- Manzanal de los Infantes
- 2 hotels
- Trévago
- 2 hotels
- Oncala
- 2 hotels
- Retortillo de Soria
- 2 hotels
- Arenillas
- 2 hotels
- Castillejo de Mesleón
- 2 hotels
- Fresneda de la Sierra Tirón
- 2 hotels
- Langa de Duero
- 2 hotels
- Baltanás
- 2 hotels
- Lucillo
- 2 hotels
- Quemada
- 2 hotels
- Horcajo de las Torres
- 2 hotels
- Boceguillas
- 2 hotels
- Peleagonzalo
- 2 hotels
- Valle de Manzanedo
- 2 hotels
- Linares de Riofrío
- 2 hotels
- Gilbuena
- 2 hotels
- Cembranos
- 2 hotels
- Villanueva de San Mancio
- 2 hotels
- Campillo de Aranda
- 2 hotels
- Campo de Cuéllar
- 2 hotels
- Santiago Millas
- 2 hotels
- Muñoveros
- 2 hotels
- La Aliseda de Tormes
- 2 hotels
- Callejo de Ordás
- 2 hotels
- Nava de Francia
- 2 hotels
- Montamarta
- 2 hotels
- Corral de Ayllon
- 2 hotels
- Parada de Arriba
- 2 hotels
- Pedrosillo el Ralo
- 2 hotels
- La Rinconada de la Sierra
- 2 hotels
- Fresnillo de las Duenas
- 2 hotels
- Redecilla del Campo
- 2 hotels
- San Vicente del Valle
- 2 hotels
- San Miguel de Bernuy
- 2 hotels
- Villanueva de Campean
- 2 hotels
- Velamazan
- 2 hotels
- Casafranca
- 2 hotels
- Fuentes De Onoro
- 2 hotels
- Padiernos
- 2 hotels
- La Serrada
- 2 hotels
- Tardajos
- 2 hotels
- Murias de Paredes
- 2 hotels
- Blacha
- 2 hotels
- San Miguel del Robledo
- 2 hotels
- Santibanez de la Sierra
- 2 hotels
- Pajares de los Oteros
- 2 hotels
- La Parrilla
- 2 hotels
- Madronal
- 2 hotels
- El Oso
- 2 hotels
- Fuente Encalada
- 2 hotels
- Sedano
- 2 hotels
- Portillo
- 2 hotels
- Montejo de Tiermes
- 2 hotels
- Herran
- 2 hotels
- Aldea del Obispo
- 2 hotels
- Fontiveros
- 1 hotel
- Iscar
- 1 hotel
- Loma de Montija
- 1 hotel
- Cerezales del Condado
- 1 hotel
- Canicosa De La Sierra
- 1 hotel
- El Cubo de Tierra del Vino
- 1 hotel
- Tolocirio
- 1 hotel
- Puras
- 1 hotel
- La Bastida
- 1 hotel
- Nava Del Barco
- 1 hotel
- Vallecillo
- 1 hotel
- Salas de los Barrios
- 1 hotel
- Neila
- 1 hotel
- Villanueva de Duero
- 1 hotel
- Vegacerneja
- 1 hotel
- Muda
- 1 hotel
- Castildelgado
- 1 hotel
- Monsagro
- 1 hotel
- Vegaquemada
- 1 hotel
- Puentedura
- 1 hotel
- El Payo
- 1 hotel
- San Miguel del Pino
- 1 hotel
- Mansilla Mayor
- 1 hotel
- Pardilla
- 1 hotel
- Vallejera de Riofrio
- 1 hotel
- San Justo (Castile and Leon)
- 1 hotel
- Felechas
- 1 hotel
- Santa Catalina de Somoza
- 1 hotel
- Vozmediano
- 1 hotel
- Sotopalacios
- 1 hotel
- Calzada de los Molinos
- 1 hotel
- Riello
- 1 hotel
- Aldeatejada
- 1 hotel
- Castrillo de la Guareña
- 1 hotel
- Horcajo de la Ribera
- 1 hotel
- Muñotello
- 1 hotel
- Retuerta
- 1 hotel
- Santa Cruz de la Salceda
- 1 hotel
- Saldaña de Ayllón
- 1 hotel
- Carrascal del Río
- 1 hotel
- Palazuelo de Vedija
- 1 hotel
- Paredes de Nava
- 1 hotel
- Sobrado (Castile and Leon)
- 1 hotel
- La Válgoma
- 1 hotel
- Urueña
- 1 hotel
- Topas
- 1 hotel
- Lagunilla
- 1 hotel
- Cedillo de la Torre
- 1 hotel
- Villoría
- 1 hotel
- San Pelayo de Guareña
- 1 hotel
- Zazuar
- 1 hotel
- Estépar
- 1 hotel
- Valderrodilla
- 1 hotel
- San Cebrián de Mudá
- 1 hotel
- Vecinos
- 1 hotel
- Carbellino
- 1 hotel
- Miranda de Azán
- 1 hotel
- Valle de Losa
- 1 hotel
- Caltojar
- 1 hotel
- Robleda-Cervantes
- 1 hotel
- Grajera
- 1 hotel
- Bohoyo
- 1 hotel
- Tizneros
- 1 hotel
- El Raso
- 1 hotel
- San Andres del Rabanedo
- 1 hotel
- Carabias
- 1 hotel
- Cañales
- 1 hotel
- San Pelayo
- 1 hotel
- Ucedo
- 1 hotel
- Quintanilla De Arriba
- 1 hotel
- La Mudarra
- 1 hotel
- Megeces
- 1 hotel
- Buenavista
- 1 hotel
- Collado Hermoso
- 1 hotel
- La Santa Espina
- 1 hotel
- Monzon De Campos
- 1 hotel
- Aldealengua
- 1 hotel
- Castroverde De Campos
- 1 hotel
- Cabrejas De Pinar
- 1 hotel
- Pozaldez
- 1 hotel
- Quintanilla San Garcia
- 1 hotel
- Viloria De Rioja
- 1 hotel
- Poblacion De Campos
- 1 hotel
- Aguilafuente
- 1 hotel
- Cabia
- 1 hotel
- Villoldo
- 1 hotel
- Villarmentero De Campos
- 1 hotel
- Villanasur Rio De Oca
- 1 hotel
- Villanueva De La Condesa
- 1 hotel
- Alija del Infantado
- 1 hotel
- Cubillo del Cesar
- 1 hotel
- Serradilla del Arroyo
- 1 hotel
- La Rad
- 1 hotel
- Santa María de la Vega
- 1 hotel
- Machacón
- 1 hotel
- Madrigal de las Altas Torres
- 1 hotel
- Regumiel de la Sierra
- 1 hotel
- Cortos
- 1 hotel
- Cabeza del Caballo
- 1 hotel
- Martín Muñoz de las Posadas
- 1 hotel
- Becilla de Valderaduey
- 1 hotel
- El Tornadizo
- 1 hotel
Castile and Leon hotels & accommodations
great location, but only suitable for driving travelers. nice view from the room.
A comfortable & impressive hotel, very centrally situated, with easy access to the historical quarter containing the magnificent Cathedral and other mediaeval buildings, and the splendid tree lined passeo between that quarter and the river. Our room was stylish, spacious, & comfortable, with excellent en-suite bathroom. The hotel was clean, and freshly and attractivel...
Driving to the hotel was easier than I thought. We just had to follow the sign "Aparcamiento Plaza Mayor" and parked our car there and there we were in the basement of the hotel. There are lots of bars at the plaza and lots of others and restaurants in the vicinity. We woke up the following morning and found a vibrant food market right underneath our balcony. We wer...
This was a lovely hotel, close to all the major sights yet in a peaceful, uncongested part of Segovia. The staff was friendly and helpful. There is parking on sight. The room was small but charming and clean. Breakfast was included and it was fabulous. We ate on dinner inn the hotel restaurant and the food was very delicious and a good value. There is also a lovely b...
Everything amazing. The staff, the room, the neighbourhood. They were ready 24 hour to help the guest. You will find bar and coffee spots which are frienld also. Perfect in calm and brings rilex vibes. Would be definitely back thank u😍
Every member of staff could not do enough to assist me, I felt very spoilt at the end of my stay and I will be going back again, centrally located but a hotel with every amenity I needed, great room, comfortable bed, nesspresso coffee. A great nights sleep.
A gorgeous castle makes a divine hotel and this was no exception. The rooms, the staff, the grounds and the pool as well as the dining and formal rooms all made for a gorgeous stay. An evening wine on the terrace was beautiful. Too short for us! Thank you Castille Buen Amor, we love you
This hotel is located just outside the gate of Burgos, around 5 mins walk to the old town. The historical building which hosts this building is beautiful and the hotel is well facilitated. The staff is friendly.
This hotel is beyond my expectation and much better than what you see on the photos. The service from the staff is top notch. Water and the mini bar are complimentary. Every member of the staff knows when you check in and check out, I mean everyone until the restaurant staff do know. Having breakfast on the cloister of the monastery with newspaper printed on your name...
Hotel is clean and comfortable. As I arrived in the night and to my surprise, I realized is best to venture the town area with all building lighting switched on. It illuminates the beauty of building design especially Plaza Mayor.
Our room looked across rolling hills and the landscape was absolutely amazing as was the room. The breakfast are the best I've ever had at a hotel simply fantastic.....we sat on the balcony looking into the Tuesday market for hours. The welcome from the reception was very poor on arrival however and they need to address this. Moving on the rest of the staff were nice e...
Well located about five minutes walk from the Plaza Mayor, the Cathedral and the Aquaduct, this hotel is a joy. Welcoming staff, clean and well decorated room with a lovely bathroom, spacious lounge and good breakfast facilities. Its underground parking is a key feature in a city with limited parking capacity. We really enjoyed our two night stay.
Hotel is about 5 minutes from the Burgos Cathedral and large selection of cafes and restaurants. Rooms are comfortable and well maintained. Our room was facing main road, but road noise was not noticeable. Lady at the reception was very helpful and gave us few pointers for sightseeing and dining around Burgos. This hotel is very good value for the money. Ours was l...
Very comfortable and clean. Well maintained and quiet. 12 minute walk to downtown historic salamanca. We parked out on the street however they had parking for a fee. Would stay here again. Super clean. Modern and updated hotel. Great value for the money. No restaurants or coffee shop around hotel. The hotel serves food. We did not try it as we ate in salamanca's plazz...
Hotel Don Felipe is up in the old Jewish Quarter in Segovia, about 5/10 minutes walk from the Alcazar or the Plaza Major and Cathedral, which is effectively the centre of the town. This means that it is ideally located for travellers wishing to explore the area. the aqueduct is a 15-20 minute walk. The hotel is very well appointed and we were very lucky to get a room ...
The hotel is situated north of the city center and has a free guests parking place (both outdoor and indoor). We booked this hotel following the good recommendation found on the booking sites and I can definitely state that we didn't regret it. We arrived to this hotel by car, the staff was very friendly and gave us an extra bed free of charge. The drive to the city...
We had a lovely stay. The rooms are roomy and very quiet. Breakfast was outstanding and the facilities including the pool were great. Great quiet location with the palace and grounds and only 5km from Segovia where the aquaduct and old city is. Would definately recommend it.
Lovely hotel extremely good value for money, little way out of town but taxi fare about 12 euros
The hotel is modern and clean. Location is around the corner from Plaza Mayor. Asuncion the receptionist was very welcoming and recommended us the best tapa and restaurant in Salamanca. Great service! 2 thumbs up to Asuncion and the 2 ladies who helped us with our very heavy luggages. Thank you for making us feel very comfortable! If I go back to Salamanca again, ...
Loved the location, hotel was comfortable & clean. Staff was very courteous & friendly & helpful. Only thing missing was a hot water pot. But highly recommend this place. We found free overnight street parking outside by luck.
We book our room on a bank holiday so it was obviously expensive, still the room was smaller than expected, the blind curtains didn't work so it was difficult to sleep as the sun came through in the early morning. We told them about the curtain issue at check out still we got charged for a can of Cola, obviously the recepcionist should hav e tried to at least compensa...
porters were very friendly, the room was clean (as always in spain), the bathroom was large with bath tub and bidet, wifi was free and worked perfectly. the room had only little daylight but therefore stayed cool during the day. the hostal has its own parking garage for 8 euro per day, which is a good offer, since there are almost no free parking opportunities in cuenc...
The hotel has great location, right in the center of town. Walking distance from bars/cafés/restaurants, main attractions (Cathedral), local markets, shopping areas and nightlife. Also convenient for those doing walking the Camino de Santiago who want to splurge a little. The hotel changed management (and name) recently and was entirely renovated. I am of the opinion ...
We had a great stay in Hotel Alameda Palace! The interior of the hotel lives up to it's name, the location is superb and the staff are all helpful. Perhaps the only two things that need to be improved are the light in the bathroom and the temperature inside the room. The first tends to shut down quickly even while one is still inside the bathroom while the second is di...
The location of this is great when arriving by car. (We followed the GPS to closely on the way in from the north and drove through the city. On the way out we avoided that entirely. ) the view from the hotel is fabulous as it is set upon a hill overlooking the old city. The walk into the historic district is short (but hilly) and the taxi fare is not bad (about 5 Euro...
I got a room on the first floor, with a restricted view on nearby balconies. The room was so small that there was nothing there except a large bed - no table, not a chair (bathroom was spacious). Maybe if required I would get another room. The breakfast was medium quality. The location good - just around the corner of Plaza Mayor.
I thought that for the money that we paid, it was a pleasant surprise. The rooms were spacious, cosy and warm.The bed was very comfortable and large. There was room service if required. The WiFi was good and easy to set up. I really have nothing negative to say about this hotel. I would stay there again.
Suites are fully equipped and with a nice vintage decoration. Rocio, the manager, was very kind and responsive. Location is very good, just few metres away from the Cathedral. Highly recommended!
Enjoyed our stay, breakfast is rather expensive
The location is incredible, with beautiful views from the room's balcony which looks onto Salamanca's breathtaking Plaza Mayor.
Cheap places to stay in Castile and Leon
Great location. Just a short stroll to town centre
Modern and equipped with great kitchen facility. A nice place to meet new people if you’re traveling alone. It would be better if they clean the bathroom everyday. (It seems that they only take out the trash cuz the shower room and the sink are still dirty and don’t smell really good) But overall it’s a wonderful experience!
Location is fine, decoration is cost, bathroom to be shared with people of 3 rooms but clean. Bed is a little bit old, breakfast included and be aware to the early check out backpacker, the reception opens at 9am which you may not get your deposit.
If all you're needing is simple bed to stay for a night on your way through the town fine. It's a bed. But compared to what hostels look like across Spain, this one was dirty(bathroom and sheets), the staff was never around and when they were they totally ignored you. Did not enjoy my stay here.
porters were very friendly, the room was clean (as always in spain), the bathroom was large with bath tub and bidet, wifi was free and worked perfectly. the room had only little daylight but therefore stayed cool during the day. the hostal has its own parking garage for 8 euro per day, which is a good offer, since there are almost no free parking opportunities in cuenc...
hotel staff does not speak english at all. makes no effort to translate into english. in fact they ramble on in spanish assuming you would understand them. extra surcharge for parking in garage - eur 10 . if overnight parking is required may be cheaper to use the council parking outside the hotel. rooms are spacious, but no aircond provided. as my room was on g...
The location is incredible, with beautiful views from the room's balcony which looks onto Salamanca's breathtaking Plaza Mayor.
This is a small hotel a few minutes walk from the bus and train stations, and right at the start of Calle Mayor. Rooms are simple but confortable, and staff is extremely nice and helpful. On the premises there are autovending machines and even a cooking area and fridge for guests to use, because there is no breakfast. Overall, a good but inexpensive place to explore a ...
I like here~~~ single room is so clean~~ a litte bit noisy but it's totally fine.
Loved location and ease of everything!
The hotel has a nice location just between the train station and the old town, bit of which can be reached by feet within 15minutes. Despite the limited English, the staff as very friendly and drew a detailed visiting route for me on the city map :) The major drawback will be the facilities, unfortunately. The shower faucet needs a fix on the holder, and the wall is...
Shared bathroom for about 10 rooms, difficult to get use of many times. Sink in room is very useful.
good, I can recommend.
The best of this Hostal is its location. It is conveniently located at Paseo de las Carmelitas and the main pedestrian street can be easily reached. There are restaurant, bars and supermarket around and this turns everything easy. A vending machine sells coffee at the reception. And there is free wifi internet connection in the room - which is very good. I stayed in a ...
We had a comfortable and pleasant stay. No problems. The staff were very helpful. We speak enough Spanish to make ourselves understood as their English was like our Spanish. A pity there was no fridge in the room nor kettle for making tea.
Great place to stay right on Camino route - plenty of shady places to rest - pool - bar and food - clothes washing facilities and plenty of clothes line space
Good value at 28 euros. Although breakfast was only 4 euros, it was 1 plain croissant and coffee, maybe a few more additions would be welcome. Very handy for the city, main street and square, On street parking can be difficult, I eventually found a space 5 minutes walk away, though the hotel offers private parking for 10 euros per night. The room was clean, as was the ...
Hostal Restaurante Puerta del Alcazar is located a few minutes short ride from the train station, and it is in a walking distance to the Main attractions in Avila, just next to the cathedral, the rooms are a bit on the small size but are practical and well-appointed. since I was traveling with an elderly person and a young child a request a room on the first floor...
It's a nice hostel, careful thoughts were put in when decorating the place. But unfortunately we couldn't sleep much at the night, as the Aircon was very very noisy and wasn't effective at all in cooling the place down. Not an ideal place to sleep in in the middle of Spanish summer.
It is conveniently located, all touristic places are nearby, so it was easy to take a rest in between. Room is basic and clean, wish it's got more electric outlet though as there is only one. There are 3 wifi, but all were not that strong.
Just good value really, good inexpensive hotel to stay in on the Camino de Santiago. The busy cafe/restaurant downstairs has a well priced diverse menu.
Spacious accommodation, strong air conditioning, elevator is available to 1st floor, nice reception. Breakfast at euro3.5. Only problem is water pressure of shower is Competitively weak. Otherwise, it is so perfect at this hotel room rate. Walking within 15 mins to Meyor Plaza with a lot of restaurants, souvenir shops & tourist information is available.
Great staff, great spot, very cheap beat up furniture (beds, a bit hard).
Nothing to fault. Excellent and helpful staff. Nice clean facilities and a good location just a 15 min walk from city centre. I would definately stay again.
Everything was okey, and the people were very nice and helpful. And it was very centric and easy to reach things in Burgos. I am recommend everybody to go there, javier is very nice!:-)
I booked the top floor room, Room 301, the only room on tgat floor and it was fantastic. Beautiful room. Big, comfortable bed. Wooden floors. Huge whirlpool bathtub. Tastefully decorated. Great views of castle on one side and church on the other. Super super nice staff. And very accomodating of my bicycle. Just loved this place. Stay in Room 301 if you are lu...
the hotel is old and dated, no fans or ac very hot and uncomfortable.
The room was quite small but it was clean and comfortable. The location is convenient for visiting the templar castle and the older part of town. WiFi was quite slow
Great location across from the ancient cathedral. Clean and vimfortable room. Very good breskfast buffet. Super staff. First rate in every way.
4-star hotels in Castile and Leon
great location, but only suitable for driving travelers. nice view from the room.
A comfortable & impressive hotel, very centrally situated, with easy access to the historical quarter containing the magnificent Cathedral and other mediaeval buildings, and the splendid tree lined passeo between that quarter and the river. Our room was stylish, spacious, & comfortable, with excellent en-suite bathroom. The hotel was clean, and freshly and attractivel...
Driving to the hotel was easier than I thought. We just had to follow the sign "Aparcamiento Plaza Mayor" and parked our car there and there we were in the basement of the hotel. There are lots of bars at the plaza and lots of others and restaurants in the vicinity. We woke up the following morning and found a vibrant food market right underneath our balcony. We wer...
This was a lovely hotel, close to all the major sights yet in a peaceful, uncongested part of Segovia. The staff was friendly and helpful. There is parking on sight. The room was small but charming and clean. Breakfast was included and it was fabulous. We ate on dinner inn the hotel restaurant and the food was very delicious and a good value. There is also a lovely b...
Every member of staff could not do enough to assist me, I felt very spoilt at the end of my stay and I will be going back again, centrally located but a hotel with every amenity I needed, great room, comfortable bed, nesspresso coffee. A great nights sleep.
This hotel is located just outside the gate of Burgos, around 5 mins walk to the old town. The historical building which hosts this building is beautiful and the hotel is well facilitated. The staff is friendly.
Hotel is clean and comfortable. As I arrived in the night and to my surprise, I realized is best to venture the town area with all building lighting switched on. It illuminates the beauty of building design especially Plaza Mayor.
Our room looked across rolling hills and the landscape was absolutely amazing as was the room. The breakfast are the best I've ever had at a hotel simply fantastic.....we sat on the balcony looking into the Tuesday market for hours. The welcome from the reception was very poor on arrival however and they need to address this. Moving on the rest of the staff were nice e...
Well located about five minutes walk from the Plaza Mayor, the Cathedral and the Aquaduct, this hotel is a joy. Welcoming staff, clean and well decorated room with a lovely bathroom, spacious lounge and good breakfast facilities. Its underground parking is a key feature in a city with limited parking capacity. We really enjoyed our two night stay.
Hotel is about 5 minutes from the Burgos Cathedral and large selection of cafes and restaurants. Rooms are comfortable and well maintained. Our room was facing main road, but road noise was not noticeable. Lady at the reception was very helpful and gave us few pointers for sightseeing and dining around Burgos. This hotel is very good value for the money. Ours was l...
Very comfortable and clean. Well maintained and quiet. 12 minute walk to downtown historic salamanca. We parked out on the street however they had parking for a fee. Would stay here again. Super clean. Modern and updated hotel. Great value for the money. No restaurants or coffee shop around hotel. The hotel serves food. We did not try it as we ate in salamanca's plazz...
The hotel is situated north of the city center and has a free guests parking place (both outdoor and indoor). We booked this hotel following the good recommendation found on the booking sites and I can definitely state that we didn't regret it. We arrived to this hotel by car, the staff was very friendly and gave us an extra bed free of charge. The drive to the city...
We had a lovely stay. The rooms are roomy and very quiet. Breakfast was outstanding and the facilities including the pool were great. Great quiet location with the palace and grounds and only 5km from Segovia where the aquaduct and old city is. Would definately recommend it.
Lovely hotel extremely good value for money, little way out of town but taxi fare about 12 euros
Loved the location, hotel was comfortable & clean. Staff was very courteous & friendly & helpful. Only thing missing was a hot water pot. But highly recommend this place. We found free overnight street parking outside by luck.
We book our room on a bank holiday so it was obviously expensive, still the room was smaller than expected, the blind curtains didn't work so it was difficult to sleep as the sun came through in the early morning. We told them about the curtain issue at check out still we got charged for a can of Cola, obviously the recepcionist should hav e tried to at least compensa...
The location of this is great when arriving by car. (We followed the GPS to closely on the way in from the north and drove through the city. On the way out we avoided that entirely. ) the view from the hotel is fabulous as it is set upon a hill overlooking the old city. The walk into the historic district is short (but hilly) and the taxi fare is not bad (about 5 Euro...
I got a room on the first floor, with a restricted view on nearby balconies. The room was so small that there was nothing there except a large bed - no table, not a chair (bathroom was spacious). Maybe if required I would get another room. The breakfast was medium quality. The location good - just around the corner of Plaza Mayor.
Enjoyed our stay, breakfast is rather expensive
Quality paradox. Views are stunning as is the usual Paradise service and good. No aircon though but really not needed, and no pool, but again not really needed. A 7 min drive to town if you want to go, and there are bars and restaurants there. Can get busy on the terrace on Sundays as locals and groups of bikers use it as a place to meet.
I liked that it is very near the Salamanca Cathedral. Everything is within walking distance. The University, the Plaza Mayor and the Cathedral. The hotel staff speak very good english and are very helpful. They have a parking but you have to pay a nightly rate. Wasnt able to eat breakfast because they serve it late on a Sunday. I will definitely stay here again if I go...
very nice stay (with a car park)
We were very surprise to find such a place to stay and the restaraunt is one of the best we had on this trip. Well decorated, clean, everything you need are available. Highly recommened.
We often stop over there. We love the Parador de Tordesillas. Rooms a fine, bathroom spacious. The Breakfast is top class. The little town is so peaceful walking distance from the Parador. Have a nice beer there and enjoy the scenery. Thank you Tordesillas.
This was the Parador experience at its best. Located in the centre of the old quarter of Zamora the Parador is large, spacious and an architectural gem. Our room was large, fully equipped and the crisp cotton sheets were to die for. A good nights sleep guaranteed. The large pool and its surrounding garden were the perfect place to relax away from the heat of the tow...
Car parking on site which was very convenient but a little expensive. Hotel modern and very comfortable.Staff extremely friendly and helpful.
We arrived quite early for check-in after a long drive but were accommodated within an hour after our arrival. While waiting, we had breakfast at the hotel, it wasn't an extensive spread but, it was reasonably priced. There's an excellent restaurant called Gabi Garcia which is a 10 minute walk away towards the river
Apart from the pool being a bit shoddy, this was an excellent place to stay. Although SatNav did not recognise the road name, it did not take long to work it out. Great value for money.
Very confortable , clean , Nice service and facilities
I loved this hotel. The rooms were beautifully decorated and it had a modern bathroom. It's very convenient for those on the camino de santiago but it's about a 5-10 min walk from the main plaza of villafranca.
Luxury hotels in Castile and Leon
This hotel is beyond my expectation and much better than what you see on the photos. The service from the staff is top notch. Water and the mini bar are complimentary. Every member of the staff knows when you check in and check out, I mean everyone until the restaurant staff do know. Having breakfast on the cloister of the monastery with newspaper printed on your name...
We had a great stay in Hotel Alameda Palace! The interior of the hotel lives up to it's name, the location is superb and the staff are all helpful. Perhaps the only two things that need to be improved are the light in the bathroom and the temperature inside the room. The first tends to shut down quickly even while one is still inside the bathroom while the second is di...
Fantastic place!!! Overwhelming experience! Great restaraunt! A Forteeen century fortress turned into a 5 star hotel!
loved staying at the Parador san Marcos as you can see from my ratings of excellent. However - my lovely panama hat which has accompanied me on many jouneys to different places in the world went missing from my room on the day we checked out. I know exactly where I left it -on a chair-and i realised I'd left it on our way to the Eurostar hotel in Leon . -not far away ...
It was the genuineness of the service and the many small gestures that won our heart. There was attention to any needs and difficulties we might have, observed even before we articulated them. The building itself is lovely, its location faultless. We will certainly return here.
This is a beautiful hotel with nice, although not huge, rooms. The bathrooms are especially well appointed. There is no gym, so that is one downside if you are looking to exercise other than walking around the city. The lobby is gorgeous as well, and the staff is very friendly.
Gorgeous historic facility with an amazing offer of ther farm products. Service very much sub-par. They rent their facilities for large events and give preference to them over guests. In our first night we couldn’t sleep with all the noise in our room due to a wedding that ended after 5am. A true pitty.
The old monastery become hotel .Not so far from the center, 15 minutes walking to all others streets and shopping street. All the staff are very good on the jobs, however the receptionist is not very careful with the nationality. I’m not come from China but my payment bill was written China .thought, she or he knows only China in Asia :) Should be more careful. Small ...
Popular hotels
Frequently asked questions
What's the average price of a hotel in Castile and Leon?
The average price for a 3-star hotel in Castile and Leon is USD 73. The average price for a 4-star hotel in Castile and Leon is USD 100. The average price for a 5-star hotel in Castile and Leon is USD 182.
What's the average price of a hotel in Castile and Leon this weekend?
The average price for a 3-star hotel in Castile and Leon this weekend is USD 71. The average price for a 4-star hotel in Castile and Leon this weekend is USD 99. The average price for a 5-star hotel in Castile and Leon this weekend is USD 175.
What's the average price of a hotel in Castile and Leon tonight?
The average price for a 3-star hotel in Castile and Leon tonight is USD 72. The average price for a 4-star hotel in Castile and Leon tonight is USD 107. The average price for a 5-star hotel in Castile and Leon tonight is USD 171.
What are the best hotels in Castile and Leon near Valladolid Airport?
Verified travelers to Castile and Leon who stayed near Valladolid Airport have given top reviews to Motel Venus Valladolid and Habitacion Villanubla.
What are the best hotels in Castile and Leon near León Airport?
Verified travelers to Castile and Leon who stayed near León Airport have given top reviews to Domus Oncinae, Albergue La Casa del Camino and Hostal Quevedo.
What are the best hotels in Castile and Leon near Salamanca Airport?
Verified travelers to Castile and Leon who stayed near Salamanca Airport have given top reviews to La Villa Hostal, Bardal de Huerta and Hotel Cies.
What are the most popular hotels in Castile and Leon?
Some of our most popular hotels in Castile and Leon are Hotel San Antonio el Real, Parador de Segovia and Hostal Barcelona.
What are the best hotels in Castile and Leon for couples?
Hotels in Castile and Leon that are highly rated by couples include Hotel San Antonio el Real, Rey Arturo Hotel and Parador de Segovia.
What are the best hotels in Castile and Leon for families?
Hotels in Castile and Leon that are highly rated by families include Hotel San Antonio el Real, Parador de Segovia and Gran Hotel Corona Sol.
What hotels in Castile and Leon have the best views?
Verified travelers to Castile and Leon have given top reviews for the views at Hotel Conde Rodrigo I, Izan Puerta de Gredos and NH Palacio del Duero.
What hotels in Castile and Leon have the best breakfast?
Verified travelers to Castile and Leon have given top reviews for the breakfast at Rusticae Hotel Palacio San Facundo, Albergue La Huella and Hotel Conde Rodrigo I.
What are the best cities in Castile and Leon to stay in?
Popular cities among travelers staying in Castile and Leon include Salamanca, Segovia and Burgos.