越南會安Vinpearl度假村及高爾夫球場 (Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An )
逃到 Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An,享受奢華的假期。探索會安的古城和美麗的海灘。享受水上樂園、冒險區、野生動物保護區和有機農業體驗。放鬆於海景別墅、令人驚嘆的游泳池和一流的高爾夫設施。品嚐美味的菜餚,創造持久的回憶。在會安的 Thang Binh 的寧靜中放鬆身心,這裡擁有精緻的設施。享受擁有無與倫比景觀的壯麗游泳池和私人海灘,達到終極放鬆。入住配有空調、陽台和免費WiFi的寬敞房間。選擇擁有花園、海洋或海景的房間。會安古城和原始海灘近在咫尺,Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An 為兩位旅行者提供非凡的體驗。 (部分內容經生成式AI處理,可能有不準確之處。)
前台 [24小時]
高爾夫球場 [住宿附設]
首先,為什麼Vinpearl選擇了峴港.. 南會安Vinpearl是為了最佳化Vinpearl的訪問體驗!絕對推薦。 距離很近,只需3分鐘車程 享用早餐後,在Vinpearl玩水,然後在酒店洗澡休息 太陽下山後再去(可以來回多次),享受河岸夜市、遊樂園和噴泉秀,然後輕鬆搭乘車回旅館♡♡♡♡ 旅館員工非常友善,房間狀況也很好 排水系統良好,水也很快流走,馬桶也很乾淨 唯一有點遺憾的是 早餐選擇有點少,味道也有點... ㅠㅠ 此外,南會安是一個偏遠的地方,需要享受度假的感覺 但是,有很多餐廳...或者味道很好.... ㅜ 雖然飲食部分有點遺憾 但是私人海灘也很棒 游泳池也很大,非常好
Dear Mr./Mrs.Seo, Thank you for sharing your experience at the Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An. With a mission to provide superior customer service, we take great pride in serving your needs and are delighted to hear that we have met your expectations. As a valued customer, your feedback will be shared with the team to continue to inspire and motivate them to deliver exceptional customer service. Our team looks forward to welcome you back to “your home away from home’’. Yours very truly, David Jamieson - General Manager
帶著寶寶旅行,最擔心的就是衛生問題,但是這次的旅行完全不用擔心,因為非常乾淨,員工也非常友善,讓我們感到非常愉快。 早餐也非常美味,度假村內有一家韓國餐廳,份量很足,味道也很好,價格與在韓國餐廳用餐相當,讓人可以輕鬆享受。 度假村內的游泳池是溫水池,而且有不同的深度,非常適合大人和小孩子玩樂。 如果不去其他地方,只在這裡度過整個行程也不會後悔,因為實在太好了。
Dear Mr/Ms. Park, Greeting from Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An! First and foremost, it was a great pleasure to welcome you to Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An, it is our sincere wish and conviction that you become our loyal guest from now on. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete our comment card with reference to your stay at Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An. We have been delighted to read your precious comments that you have enjoyed all aspects of your stay with us and my colleagues lived up to the expectations and was able to provide the true Vinpearl experience to you. We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the nearest possible time and wishing that your next farewell will be fuller of unforgettable moments than the first one. Yours very truly, David Jamieson - General Manager
好值得推介的五星級酒店,之前住過其名下的珍珠集團酒店已令我想再入住~今次會安慶祝家人的生日所以也選擇入住~因為訂了一間別墅和一間主樓雙人房,所以提前email通知要求盡量安排附近,酒店極快回覆盡量安排👍 酒店要會為每一位登記face Id 入住~以進入餐廳食和進入出珍珠樂園(係酒店買購買入場卷可以無限次出入)極方便! 酒店服務好; 入住其間職員都好好~前台職員我每次問問題都不勝其煩咁回答~酒店員工去到邊都見到佢地會點頭微笑打招呼! 酒店環境:正主樓中間有個無邊際泳池夠大,行出去有私人沙灘~水清沙幼,可能因為太熱所以冇咩人,感覺可以獨自沙灘享受陽光! 別墅~ 三房別墅入面有2層~三個房間都有浴廁,游完水唔駛同屋企人爭~別墅外有個私人泳池~唔太深適合唔太懂游水的人隨時游泳! 主樓雙人房~ 比一般房間大間,有個大露台可以望到沙灘海景~ 餐廳:今次入住晚上都試咗2間唔同既餐廳,-間係食自助餐~可以食4個鐘慢慢食~款式都多選擇,如果海鮮再多些就好~燒蝦好正 另一間係食韓式餐廳~餐牌都有其他菜式選擇~以韓燒為主~ 自助早餐款式選擇多~特別係即整的越南粉和法包,唔同既咖啡和新鮮果汁~食咗2日款式都唔同! 總結~雖然酒店位置有小小偏遠~但整體來說非常滿意~其配套和服務已覺值得,如果下次再來仍會選擇~期待下次再入住! 特別再感謝前台的員工🙏🙏
Dear Mr/Ms. Man, Greeting from Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An! First and foremost, it was a great pleasure to welcome you to Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An, it is our sincere wish and conviction that you become our loyal guest from now on. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete our comment card with reference to your stay at Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An. We have been delighted to read your precious comments that you have enjoyed all aspects of your stay with us and my colleagues lived up to the expectations and was able to provide the true Vinpearl experience to you. We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the nearest possible time and wishing that your next farewell will be fuller of unforgettable moments than the first one. Yours very truly, Bruno Couesnon- General Manager.
好值得推介的五星級酒店,之前住過其名下的珍珠集團酒店已令我想再入住~今次會安慶祝家人的生日所以也選擇入住~因為訂了一間別墅和一間主樓雙人房,所以提前email通知要求盡量安排附近,酒店極快回覆盡量安排👍 酒店要會為每一位登記face Id 入住~以進入餐廳食和進入出珍珠樂園(係酒店買購買入場卷可以無限次出入)極方便! 酒店服務好; 入住其間職員都好好~前台職員我每次問問題都不勝其煩咁回答~酒店員工去到邊都見到佢地會點頭微笑打招呼! 酒店環境:正主樓中間有個無邊際泳池夠大,行出去有私人沙灘~水清沙幼,可能因為太熱所以冇咩人,感覺可以獨自沙灘享受陽光! 別墅~ 三房別墅入面有2層~三個房間都有浴廁,游完水唔駛同屋企人爭~別墅外有個私人泳池~唔太深適合唔太懂游水的人隨時游泳! 主樓雙人房~ 比一般房間大間,有個大露台可以望到沙灘海景~ 餐廳:今次入住晚上都試咗2間唔同既餐廳,-間係食自助餐~可以食4個鐘慢慢食~款式都多選擇,如果海鮮再多些就好~燒蝦好正 另一間係食韓式餐廳~餐牌都有其他菜式選擇~以韓燒為主~ 自助早餐款式選擇多~特別係即整的越南粉和法包,唔同既咖啡和新鮮果汁~食咗2日款式都唔同! 總結~雖然酒店位置有小小偏遠~但整體來說非常滿意~其配套和服務已覺值得,如果下次再來仍會選擇~期待下次再入住! 特別再感謝前台的員工🙏🙏
Dear Mr/Ms. Man, Greeting from Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An! First and foremost, it was a great pleasure to welcome you to Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An, it is our sincere wish and conviction that you become our loyal guest from now on. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete our comment card with reference to your stay at Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An. We have been delighted to read your precious comments that you have enjoyed all aspects of your stay with us and my colleagues lived up to the expectations and was able to provide the true Vinpearl experience to you. We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the nearest possible time and wishing that your next farewell will be fuller of unforgettable moments than the first one. Yours very truly, Bruno Couesnon- General Manager.
訂了兩房的別墅,因為滿房,所以俾咗三房園景,然後鎖其中一間房,第一次遇到這種操作,不過也間接升級了,所以Villa非常的大,但周邊沒有任何餐廳和超市,只能在酒店解決三餐以及每間房只有兩瓶水提供,早餐有很多種類,所以總有一款合適,其餘兩餐就比較頭痛,因為老人家只吃中餐,但他幾乎沒有中餐可以選擇,叫room service,就算叫個炒飯講明走辣都係辣嘅,叫佢補個白飯俾我就算,第二日老人家諗住淨係叫個白飯加鹹蛋,因為早餐見到有鹹蛋,結果送來嘅係水煮蛋⋯去呢間酒店要食得慣西餐會比較舒服,因為意粉Pizza嗰啲就好正常。 但很方便的是Villa行出去就係沙灘,而酒店嘅大泳池亦都係近沙灘,而且酒店泳池好適合小朋友玩係暖水池,接駁車去對面樂園,亦都超級方便。
Dear Mr/Ms.Weng, Greetings from Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An! Firstly, thank you for your feedback which helps us to become better place to stay and improve our services. We are happy that you enjoyed your overall stay with us. Besides, I would like to share our apologies for any inconveniences that you had experienced during the stay at our property. Once again, thank you for choosing our hotel and I firmly believe we would have the opportunity welcome you back to Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An soon. Yours very truly, Bruno Couesnon- General Manager.