查拉6號 (Chala Number 6)
入住Chala Number 6 體驗清邁老城的魅力,這家豪華酒店非常適合兩位旅客。讓自己沉浸在豐富的文化遺產、充滿活力的市場和古老的寺廟中。享受現代化的設施,如空調、免費WiFi 和享有壯麗景色的私人陽台。探索附近的地標,如清邁夜市、Yi Peng 和水燈節以及塔佩門。享用美味的早餐和下午茶。在Chala Number 6 預訂您難忘的住宿,探索清邁的精彩麥老城。 [特定內容由生成式AI支援,可能存在不準確的情況。]
我們在Chala Number 6住了兩晚。酒店位於老城區中心,步行幾分鐘就可到盼道寺及柴迪隆寺。星期天傍晚開始,門口是熱鬧的週日步行街,位置相當便利。這次入住一樓的豪華房舒適乾淨,進來就會聞到芳香氣味,拉開窗簾能看到荷花池及古典風格建築,華麗漂亮。房內除威士忌之外,其他飲料都是免費。下午2點~4點有免費下午茶,服務人員友善親切,讓我們享受了愉快的下午茶時間。酒店旁邊緊鄰小學,平日早上會聽到學童唱歌的聲音,有點吵。
“位置優越,華麗古典” 我們在Chala Number 6住了兩晚。酒店位於老城區中心,步行幾分鐘就可到盼道寺及柴迪隆寺。星期天傍晚開始,門口是熱鬧的週日步行街,位置相當便利。這次入住一樓的豪華房舒適乾淨,進來就會聞到芳香氣味,拉開窗簾能看到荷花池及古典風格建築,華麗漂亮。房內除威士忌之外,其他飲料都是免費。下午2點~4點有免費下午茶,服務人員友善親切,讓我們享受了愉快的下午茶時間。酒店旁邊緊鄰小學,平日早上會聽到學童唱歌的聲音,有點吵。
Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experience following your recent stay at the Chala Number6 Hotel. It was a great pleasure to learn that you had very much enjoyed your stay with us. Your kind words and feedback have been passed on to our fellow Team Members, who are always very pleased and motivated to hear when our guests voice their appreciation. Many thanks again for staying with us, and we hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future, With warm regards from Chala Hotels Group,
Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experience following your recent stay at the Chala Number6 Hotel. It was a great pleasure to learn that you had very much enjoyed your stay with us. Your kind words and feedback have been passed on to our fellow Team Members, who are always very pleased and motivated to hear when our guests voice their appreciation. Many thanks again for staying with us, and we hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future, With warm regards from Chala Hotels Group,
飯店的位置在老城區,附近走路5分鐘內餐廳跟按摩店都很多,非常方便。飯店整體維持的非好,乾淨又有美感。 飯店的下午茶是免費的,供住客使用,服務人員都非常親切,第一次到清邁住這間是非常適合的選擇。
Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experience following your recent stay at the Chala Number6 Hotel. It was a great pleasure to learn that you had very much enjoyed your stay with us. Your kind words and feedback have been passed on to our fellow Team Members, who are always very pleased and motivated to hear when our guests voice their appreciation. Many thanks again for staying with us, and we hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future, With warm regards from Chala Number6 Hotel,
Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experience following your recent stay at the Chala Number6 Hotel. It was a great pleasure to learn that you had very much enjoyed your stay with us. Your kind words and feedback have been passed on to our fellow Team Members, who are always very pleased and motivated to hear when our guests voice their appreciation. Many thanks again for staying with us, and we hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future, With warm regards from Chala Number6 Hotel,