
Aruba Travel Requirements and Restrictions

Agoda aims to give travelers an all-inclusive travel experience, and providing up-to-date, detailed information about current travel conditions is part of the package. While we strive to keep Aruba Travel Requirements and Restrictions as current as possible through a host of reliable resources, travelers should confirm regulations through official government channels.

International Travel

Aruba is open to travel from all countries. Details about international and domestic travel in Aruba are available below.

Vacc Icon

Vaccination Rate: 83% of the population has been fully vaccinated

Tourist Icon

Tourist Entry: Allowed

Determine your eligibility for travel

To determine your eligibility for travel, please refer to the following conditions and requirements for Aruba:

All travelers will no longer be required to present a COVID-19 negative test result or proof of vaccination.

– All travelers will still be required to complete Aruba’s Embarkation/Disembarkation Card (https://bit.ly/3qbYUV0) before arrival, which is the country’s digitized customs and immigration process.

– Aruba Visitors Insurance is still required for all visitors.

All visitors, 12 years and older, traveling to Aruba have three options:

1. Either upload a digitally verifiable proof of vaccination (must include booster shot) prior to arrival in Aruba.

2. Take one lab-certified COVID-19 Antigen test prior to arrival in Aruba.

3. Take one lab-certified COVID-19 Molecular (e.g. PCR) test prior to arrival in Aruba.

Children aged 11 years and younger are exempt.

Visitors 12 and older who test positive using a Molecular COVID-19 test by nasopharyngeal swab between 10 days and 12 weeks prior to their travel date to Aruba, and do not show any symptoms, will be exempt from the requirement of providing a negative COVID-19 test result for entry to Aruba. As part of the mandatory online ED Card (https://bit.ly/3gRmocW) process, these visitors will be required to upload proof of their positive Molecular COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal swab test result taken between 10 days and 12 weeks prior to their travel date to Aruba.

Note: This exemption does not apply for anyone who has had a positive COVID-19 test older than 12 weeks or anyone who is not able to provide proof in the form of a Molecular COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal swab test result.

Booster Vaccination Certificate

For those who wish to do so, there is the option to travel with a digitally verifiable QR code proof of COVID-19 booster vaccination instead of testing. For travelers age 18 years and older, a booster shot is required. For travelers age 12 to 17, proof of complete primary series vaccination is needed, but the booster shot is optional. Travelers age 11 years and younger are exempt.

This proof needs to be uploaded as part of the ED Card process no earlier than 3 days before arrival.

For U.S. travelers: Please take note that neither the physical nor a picture of the CDC card will be accepted.

Antigen Test

For those who wish to do so, Aruba accepts an Antigen test from any certified lab as long it meets the COVID-19 Testing Requirements and is administered within 1 day prior to your arrival in Aruba. Test results via VFS Global | OK2Roam and CommonPass are also accepted. Children aged 11 years and younger are exempt.

Timing: For an Antigen test, you have between 1 days and 4 hours before arrival in Aruba to complete your Antigen test and upload your test result as part of your ED Card immigration form.

Molecular Test

For those who wish to do so, Aruba accepts a Molecular test (such as PCR, ID Now, etc.) from any certified lab as long it meets the COVID-19 Testing Requirements and is administered within 3 days prior to your arrival in Aruba.

Test results via VFS Global | OK2Roam and CommonPass are also accepted. Children aged 11 years and younger are exempt.

Timing: For a Molecular test, you have between 3 days and 4 hours before arrival in Aruba to complete your Molecular test and upload your test result as part of your ED Card immigration form.

The Aruba Visitors Insurance is a mandatory insurance that helps protect visitors against incurred medical and non-medical expenses in case they test positive for COVID-19 during their stay in Aruba.

Visitors must purchase the Aruba Visitors Insurance as part of the ED Card immigration form. Visitors can buy or use their own travel or health insurance to supplement the Aruba Visitors Insurance but not to replace it.

Quarantine is not required.

Allowed Vaccines: Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), Oxford/AstraZeneca

Domestic travel

Visitors and locals alike are expected to have a mask with them at all times to use in mandated locations.

FAQ & Things to know


穿越果阿的美食之旅:探索傳統高安美食 image


歡迎來到伊斯坦布爾:東方與西方相遇 image

踏上 5 天的迷人旅程,穿越伊斯坦布爾,探索歷史奇觀和文化寶石。探索充滿雄偉的宮殿、充滿活力的市集和風景觀的遊輪的行程。

悉尼7天行程:探索海港城最佳景點 image

踏上 7 天的迷人旅程,穿越澳洲悉尼。從歌劇院等標誌性地標到寧靜的藍山和充滿活力的達令港,探索海港城提供的最佳景點。

大叻3天行程:探索高原的心臟地帶 image

深入探索我們迷人的大叻 3 天行程,探索越南高原的寶石。從寧靜的湖泊到歷史遺跡,在大叻體驗冒險和放鬆身心。

仁川 5 天行程:從歷史遺跡到現代奇觀 image

從令人驚嘆的歷史遺跡到最先進的現代奇蹟,在 5 天內發掘仁川的最佳景點。盡情享受文化之旅、美食美食和令人嘆為觀止的風景。

歡迎來到喀比 7 天夢想行程 image

瀏覽 Agoda 旅遊指南,深入瞭解我們獨家的喀比 7 天行程。在泰國天堂探索原始的海灘、茂密的叢林和文化寶藏。

歡迎來到班加羅爾:花園、科技和文化之城 image

深入了解我們的班加羅爾 3 天行程,探索花園城的最佳景點。從皇宮到科技中心,盡情享受文化、歷史和自然的融合。

歡迎來到充滿活力的孟買城市:文化大熔爐 image

通過我們詳細的 3 天行程,深入了解孟買充滿活力的文化、歷史和風味。探索標誌性地標、隱藏的寶石和美食美食。

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美食愛好者怡保 3 天指南:最佳美食和烹飪冒險行程 image

與我們的 3 天美食愛好者指南一起深入怡保的美食天堂!探索馬來西亞美食天堂的最佳美食、隱藏的咖啡館和文化美食。

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穿越日本神戶,踏上迷人的 3 天之旅。從歷史地標到風景美景,探索神戶的最佳景點。

達拉斯 3 天行程:必遊景點和隱藏的寶石 image

通過我們獨家的 3 天行程發掘達拉斯的最佳景點。從標誌性地標到隱藏的寶石,探索德克薩斯州達拉斯為什麼是必去的目的地。

合艾:前往泰國南部隱藏的寶石 5 天行程 image

通過我們的 5 天行程,探索合艾的最佳景點。從繁華的市場到寧靜的寺廟,體驗泰國南部的隱藏寶石。

紐約市 7 天行程 image

踏上 7 天的難忘之旅,穿越紐約市。從曼哈頓的標誌性街道到寧靜的哈德遜谷,探索大蘋果的頂級景點、隱藏的寶石和充滿活力的文化。

探索台南:歷史、文化和烹飪美食的 3 天行程 image

通過我們深入的行程,在 3 天內探索台南。探索古老的寺廟,品嚐當地美食,並在寧靜的自然景點放鬆身心。

奧蘭多週末度假行程:旅遊景點&隱藏的寶石 image


澳門三天行程:探索亞洲拉斯維加斯指南 image


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探索終極的巴黎 7 天行程!探索標誌性地標,品嚐法國美食,並沉浸在藝術和歷史中。

探險探險者的芽莊行程:令人興奮的 5 天指南 image

深入探索我們為探險者設計的芽莊 5 天行程!從跳島到水肺潛水和文化奇觀,與我們的專家指南一起探索芽莊的最佳景點。

在加拿大慶祝 2024 年母親節:讓它變得特別的旅行指南 image

探索在加拿大慶祝 2024 年母親節的終極指南。從寧靜的度假勝地到文化探險,本旅行指南涵蓋了一個難忘的母親節所需的一切。

Aruba Travel Requirements and Restrictions

Agoda aims to give travelers an all-inclusive travel experience, and providing up-to-date, detailed information about current travel conditions is part of the package. While we strive to keep Aruba Travel Requirements and Restrictions as current as possible through a host of reliable resources, travelers should confirm regulations through official government channels.

International Travel

Aruba is open to travel from all countries. Details about international and domestic travel in Aruba are available below.

Vacc Icon

Vaccination Rate: 83% of the population has been fully vaccinated

Tourist Icon

Tourist Entry: Allowed

Determine your eligibility for travel

To determine your eligibility for travel, please refer to the following conditions and requirements for Aruba:

All travelers will no longer be required to present a COVID-19 negative test result or proof of vaccination.

– All travelers will still be required to complete Aruba’s Embarkation/Disembarkation Card (https://bit.ly/3qbYUV0) before arrival, which is the country’s digitized customs and immigration process.

– Aruba Visitors Insurance is still required for all visitors.

All visitors, 12 years and older, traveling to Aruba have three options:

1. Either upload a digitally verifiable proof of vaccination (must include booster shot) prior to arrival in Aruba.

2. Take one lab-certified COVID-19 Antigen test prior to arrival in Aruba.

3. Take one lab-certified COVID-19 Molecular (e.g. PCR) test prior to arrival in Aruba.

Children aged 11 years and younger are exempt.

Visitors 12 and older who test positive using a Molecular COVID-19 test by nasopharyngeal swab between 10 days and 12 weeks prior to their travel date to Aruba, and do not show any symptoms, will be exempt from the requirement of providing a negative COVID-19 test result for entry to Aruba. As part of the mandatory online ED Card (https://bit.ly/3gRmocW) process, these visitors will be required to upload proof of their positive Molecular COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal swab test result taken between 10 days and 12 weeks prior to their travel date to Aruba.

Note: This exemption does not apply for anyone who has had a positive COVID-19 test older than 12 weeks or anyone who is not able to provide proof in the form of a Molecular COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal swab test result.

Booster Vaccination Certificate

For those who wish to do so, there is the option to travel with a digitally verifiable QR code proof of COVID-19 booster vaccination instead of testing. For travelers age 18 years and older, a booster shot is required. For travelers age 12 to 17, proof of complete primary series vaccination is needed, but the booster shot is optional. Travelers age 11 years and younger are exempt.

This proof needs to be uploaded as part of the ED Card process no earlier than 3 days before arrival.

For U.S. travelers: Please take note that neither the physical nor a picture of the CDC card will be accepted.

Antigen Test

For those who wish to do so, Aruba accepts an Antigen test from any certified lab as long it meets the COVID-19 Testing Requirements and is administered within 1 day prior to your arrival in Aruba. Test results via VFS Global | OK2Roam and CommonPass are also accepted. Children aged 11 years and younger are exempt.

Timing: For an Antigen test, you have between 1 days and 4 hours before arrival in Aruba to complete your Antigen test and upload your test result as part of your ED Card immigration form.

Molecular Test

For those who wish to do so, Aruba accepts a Molecular test (such as PCR, ID Now, etc.) from any certified lab as long it meets the COVID-19 Testing Requirements and is administered within 3 days prior to your arrival in Aruba.

Test results via VFS Global | OK2Roam and CommonPass are also accepted. Children aged 11 years and younger are exempt.

Timing: For a Molecular test, you have between 3 days and 4 hours before arrival in Aruba to complete your Molecular test and upload your test result as part of your ED Card immigration form.

The Aruba Visitors Insurance is a mandatory insurance that helps protect visitors against incurred medical and non-medical expenses in case they test positive for COVID-19 during their stay in Aruba.

Visitors must purchase the Aruba Visitors Insurance as part of the ED Card immigration form. Visitors can buy or use their own travel or health insurance to supplement the Aruba Visitors Insurance but not to replace it.

Quarantine is not required.

Allowed Vaccines: Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), Oxford/AstraZeneca

Domestic travel

Visitors and locals alike are expected to have a mask with them at all times to use in mandated locations.

FAQ & Things to know
